Wow. I cannot believe this is the final post for our Bible study. Doesn’t it feel like we started just a few weeks ago? Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this study as much as I have. God is always faithful to teach us more about Himself and more about His word when we apply ourselves to learning. I love that.
This week, I particularly loved learning that God intends for us to live victoriously with a clear conscience. I am definitely someone who struggles with feelings of guilt and defeat - not so much over my past sins as much as I struggle with feelings of present failure in living up to a self-imposed standard of “righteousness.” Indeed, I am one who tends to waiver between self-loathing works-oriented failure and self-righteous works-oriented justification. For a while now, God has been working with me on simply hiding myself in the shadow of the cross, counting on the work of Christ (and not my own works) for a clear conscience before Him. It has not been an easy lesson for me to learn.
With about a month to go before baby girl number two arrives, I have been worried about how I will keep from feelings of guilt and defeat during those first few difficult months as a new mom. I know that during those first few months I will not be able to apply myself to intense, structured Bible study. So I have already been worrying about my spiritual growth during that time. I believe this week’s lessons spoke directly to me on this very issue. It is time that, once and for all, I embrace the saving grace of the cross of Jesus Christ. Justification by Jesus Christ alone. Sweet freedom!
Although I will not be committing to leading an intense Bible study format in the next few months, I do believe God has called me to participate in Beth’s “Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2011.” (See for details). The goal of the team is to memorize 24 verses, two verses a month within a year. I think it is the perfect commitment for me to make in 2011, and in preparation for the arrival of baby girl number two. Moreover, I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to specifically memorize verses that all relate to the work of the cross of Jesus Christ and His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with us. I am so done with believing the lie that I am failing or, alternatively, that I am something more than I am. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14, NIV. I think that is definitely going to be my first verse! And I really cannot wait until January 1st.
What about you? As we wrap up our time studying together, what next step do you believe God is calling you to take in your walk with Him? I am learning that these steps of faith do not always look the same (based on the different seasons of our lives), but they always seem to require a deliberate response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
If we have learned anything through this Bible study, we have learned that we are at war. Indeed, “We are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere” Ephesians 6:12, AMP. In defense, we are told to be strong in the Lord, to draw our strength from Him, and to put on the armor of the Lord that we may be able to resist the enemy. Ephesians 6:10-13.
If you have made a personal commitment to post on our discussion page each week, tell us two things this week. First, tell us something that you learned through study this week. Second, (as this Bible study wraps) tell us about your next step of faith. How do you plan to be deliberate in taking that next step of faith? Where is God directing you from here?
This week, we’ll be watching the final group session 6 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 148 of your workbook.
You girls have made this my favorite online Bible study to date. Thank you so much for your friendship. Your active participation on the blog was a blessing to me.
Also, if anyone is interested in leading this group in another study while I am on “maternity leave” please send me an inbox. Catie, your post last week was so great (thanks again). It was really neat to see what the Lord is teaching my “little” sister. You might have to come out of the shadows and step into a leadership role yourself Miss C. The Lord is definitely speaking to you, and other people (like myself) want to hear more of what He’s saying. I love you very much.
Your friend, Amy
Monday, December 20, 2010
Week Six - WGPDUT
Wow. I cannot believe this is the final post for our Bible study. Doesn’t it feel like we started just a few weeks ago? Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this study as much as I have. God is always faithful to teach us more about Himself and more about His word when we apply ourselves to learning. I love that.
This week, I particularly loved learning that God intends for us to live victoriously with a clear conscience. I am definitely someone who struggles with feelings of guilt and defeat - not so much over my past sins as much as I struggle with feelings of present failure in living up to a self-imposed standard of “righteousness.” Indeed, I am one who tends to waiver between self-loathing works-oriented failure and self-righteous works-oriented justification. For a while now, God has been working with me on simply hiding myself in the shadow of the cross, counting on the work of Christ (and not my own works) for a clear conscience before Him. It has not been an easy lesson for me to learn.
With about a month to go before baby girl number two arrives, I have been worried about how I will keep from feelings of guilt and defeat during those first few difficult months as a new mom. I know that during those first few months I will not be able to apply myself to intense, structured Bible study. So I have already been worrying about my spiritual growth during that time. I believe this week’s lessons spoke directly to me on this very issue. It is time that, once and for all, I embrace the saving grace of the cross of Jesus Christ. Justification by Jesus Christ alone. Sweet freedom!
Although I will not be committing to leading an intense Bible study format in the next few months, I do believe God has called me to participate in Beth’s “Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2011.” (See for details). The goal of the team is to memorize 24 verses, two verses a month within a year. I think it is the perfect commitment for me to make in 2011, and in preparation for the arrival of baby girl number two. Moreover, I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to specifically memorize verses that all relate to the work of the cross of Jesus Christ and His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with us. I am so done with believing the lie that I am failing or, alternatively, that I am something more than I am. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14, NIV. I think that is definitely going to be my first verse! And I really cannot wait until January 1st.
What about you? As we wrap up our time studying together, what next step do you believe God is calling you to take in your walk with Him? I am learning that these steps of faith do not always look the same (based on the different seasons of our lives), but they always seem to require a deliberate response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
If we have learned anything through this Bible study, we have learned that we are at war. Indeed, “We are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere” Ephesians 6:12, AMP. In defense, we are told to be strong in the Lord, to draw our strength from Him, and to put on the armor of the Lord that we may be able to resist the enemy. Ephesians 6:10-13.
If you have made a personal commitment to post on our discussion page each week, tell us two things this week. First, tell us something that you learned through study this week. Second, (as this Bible study wraps) tell us about your next step of faith. How do you plan to be deliberate in taking that next step of faith? Where is God directing you from here?
This week, we’ll be watching the final group session 6 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 148 of your workbook.
You girls have made this my favorite online Bible study to date. Thank you so much for your friendship. Your active participation on the blog was a blessing to me.
Also, if anyone is interested in leading this group in another study while I am on “maternity leave” please send me an inbox. Catie, your post last week was so great (thanks again). It was really neat to see what the Lord is teaching my “little” sister. You might have to come out of the shadows and step into a leadership role yourself Miss C. The Lord is definitely speaking to you, and other people (like myself) want to hear more of what He’s saying. I love you very much.
Your friend, Amy
This week, I particularly loved learning that God intends for us to live victoriously with a clear conscience. I am definitely someone who struggles with feelings of guilt and defeat - not so much over my past sins as much as I struggle with feelings of present failure in living up to a self-imposed standard of “righteousness.” Indeed, I am one who tends to waiver between self-loathing works-oriented failure and self-righteous works-oriented justification. For a while now, God has been working with me on simply hiding myself in the shadow of the cross, counting on the work of Christ (and not my own works) for a clear conscience before Him. It has not been an easy lesson for me to learn.
With about a month to go before baby girl number two arrives, I have been worried about how I will keep from feelings of guilt and defeat during those first few difficult months as a new mom. I know that during those first few months I will not be able to apply myself to intense, structured Bible study. So I have already been worrying about my spiritual growth during that time. I believe this week’s lessons spoke directly to me on this very issue. It is time that, once and for all, I embrace the saving grace of the cross of Jesus Christ. Justification by Jesus Christ alone. Sweet freedom!
Although I will not be committing to leading an intense Bible study format in the next few months, I do believe God has called me to participate in Beth’s “Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2011.” (See for details). The goal of the team is to memorize 24 verses, two verses a month within a year. I think it is the perfect commitment for me to make in 2011, and in preparation for the arrival of baby girl number two. Moreover, I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to specifically memorize verses that all relate to the work of the cross of Jesus Christ and His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with us. I am so done with believing the lie that I am failing or, alternatively, that I am something more than I am. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14, NIV. I think that is definitely going to be my first verse! And I really cannot wait until January 1st.
What about you? As we wrap up our time studying together, what next step do you believe God is calling you to take in your walk with Him? I am learning that these steps of faith do not always look the same (based on the different seasons of our lives), but they always seem to require a deliberate response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
If we have learned anything through this Bible study, we have learned that we are at war. Indeed, “We are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere” Ephesians 6:12, AMP. In defense, we are told to be strong in the Lord, to draw our strength from Him, and to put on the armor of the Lord that we may be able to resist the enemy. Ephesians 6:10-13.
If you have made a personal commitment to post on our discussion page each week, tell us two things this week. First, tell us something that you learned through study this week. Second, (as this Bible study wraps) tell us about your next step of faith. How do you plan to be deliberate in taking that next step of faith? Where is God directing you from here?
This week, we’ll be watching the final group session 6 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 148 of your workbook.
You girls have made this my favorite online Bible study to date. Thank you so much for your friendship. Your active participation on the blog was a blessing to me.
Also, if anyone is interested in leading this group in another study while I am on “maternity leave” please send me an inbox. Catie, your post last week was so great (thanks again). It was really neat to see what the Lord is teaching my “little” sister. You might have to come out of the shadows and step into a leadership role yourself Miss C. The Lord is definitely speaking to you, and other people (like myself) want to hear more of what He’s saying. I love you very much.
Your friend, Amy
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Week Five - WGPDUT
Hi Everyone!
I am posting this week because Amy seems to be having some internet trouble and isn’t able to get on here until Thursday. She wanted to make sure the post was up in time for those of you who are on track so you can watch the video session 5 this week! I’ll have to go ahead and admit that I am in fact a little bit behind but would still love to share where I’m at and what I’ve been learning.
I just finished week four and some key points really hit home for me. Much like Beth, I am also a very visual learner. The stick figure diagram, I thought, was brilliant. Just to see two people intertwined like the drawing depicted, truly does signify how unhealthy relationships can feel. Suffocating. I love how Hebrews 12:1 actually uses the word “entangles.”
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Entanglement doesn’t necessarily have to be between two people. Some of you may have found this picture more meaningful if your stick figure was wrapped up in an object, a dollar sign, career … etc. Hebrews 12:1 clearly states that whatever the sin is, it entangles us and we need to throw it off in order to run the race marked out for us.
The second drawing was of two stick figures that were connected with a cross between them. I just loved this. Christ doesn’t want us to disconnect in every relationship we have, in fact, we are called to do just the opposite. However, this second picture shows the proper way to maintain these relationships: with God centered in the middle.
This far in the study, what key points/lessons/or verses have really stuck with you and have impacted your daily routine?
Did this drawing hit home for any of you? If so, I hope you were as grateful as I was to know that no rope is tied too tight for God. And with Him centered in our relationships, we can live with a sigh of relief, knowing that He is the one managing our relationships.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. If you are a little bit behind (as I am) feel free to post where you’re at and what you’re learning at this point in your study!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 5 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 123 of your workbook.
Have a great week!!
Your friend,
I am posting this week because Amy seems to be having some internet trouble and isn’t able to get on here until Thursday. She wanted to make sure the post was up in time for those of you who are on track so you can watch the video session 5 this week! I’ll have to go ahead and admit that I am in fact a little bit behind but would still love to share where I’m at and what I’ve been learning.
I just finished week four and some key points really hit home for me. Much like Beth, I am also a very visual learner. The stick figure diagram, I thought, was brilliant. Just to see two people intertwined like the drawing depicted, truly does signify how unhealthy relationships can feel. Suffocating. I love how Hebrews 12:1 actually uses the word “entangles.”
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Entanglement doesn’t necessarily have to be between two people. Some of you may have found this picture more meaningful if your stick figure was wrapped up in an object, a dollar sign, career … etc. Hebrews 12:1 clearly states that whatever the sin is, it entangles us and we need to throw it off in order to run the race marked out for us.
The second drawing was of two stick figures that were connected with a cross between them. I just loved this. Christ doesn’t want us to disconnect in every relationship we have, in fact, we are called to do just the opposite. However, this second picture shows the proper way to maintain these relationships: with God centered in the middle.
This far in the study, what key points/lessons/or verses have really stuck with you and have impacted your daily routine?
Did this drawing hit home for any of you? If so, I hope you were as grateful as I was to know that no rope is tied too tight for God. And with Him centered in our relationships, we can live with a sigh of relief, knowing that He is the one managing our relationships.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. If you are a little bit behind (as I am) feel free to post where you’re at and what you’re learning at this point in your study!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 5 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 123 of your workbook.
Have a great week!!
Your friend,
Week Five - WGPDUT
Hi Everyone!
I am posting this week because Amy seems to be having some internet trouble and isn’t able to get on here until Thursday. She wanted to make sure the post was up in time for those of you who are on track so you can watch the video session 5 this week! I’ll have to go ahead and admit that I am in fact a little bit behind but would still love to share where I’m at and what I’ve been learning.
I just finished week four and some key points really hit home for me. Much like Beth, I am also a very visual learner. The stick figure diagram, I thought, was brilliant. Just to see two people intertwined like the drawing depicted, truly does signify how unhealthy relationships can feel. Suffocating. I love how Hebrews 12:1 actually uses the word “entangles.”
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Entanglement doesn’t necessarily have to be between two people. Some of you may have found this picture more meaningful if your stick figure was wrapped up in an object, a dollar sign, career … etc. Hebrews 12:1 clearly states that whatever the sin is, it entangles us and we need to throw it off in order to run the race marked out for us.
The second drawing was of two stick figures that were connected with a cross between them. I just loved this. Christ doesn’t want us to disconnect in every relationship we have, in fact, we are called to do just the opposite. However, this second picture shows the proper way to maintain these relationships: with God centered in the middle.
This far in the study, what key points/lessons/or verses have really stuck with you and have impacted your daily routine?
Did this drawing hit home for any of you? If so, I hope you were as grateful as I was to know that no rope is tied too tight for God. And with Him centered in our relationships, we can live with a sigh of relief, knowing that He is the one managing our relationships.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. If you are a little bit behind (as I am) feel free to post where you’re at and what you’re learning at this point in your study!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 5 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 123 of your workbook.
Have a great week!!
Your friend,
I am posting this week because Amy seems to be having some internet trouble and isn’t able to get on here until Thursday. She wanted to make sure the post was up in time for those of you who are on track so you can watch the video session 5 this week! I’ll have to go ahead and admit that I am in fact a little bit behind but would still love to share where I’m at and what I’ve been learning.
I just finished week four and some key points really hit home for me. Much like Beth, I am also a very visual learner. The stick figure diagram, I thought, was brilliant. Just to see two people intertwined like the drawing depicted, truly does signify how unhealthy relationships can feel. Suffocating. I love how Hebrews 12:1 actually uses the word “entangles.”
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Entanglement doesn’t necessarily have to be between two people. Some of you may have found this picture more meaningful if your stick figure was wrapped up in an object, a dollar sign, career … etc. Hebrews 12:1 clearly states that whatever the sin is, it entangles us and we need to throw it off in order to run the race marked out for us.
The second drawing was of two stick figures that were connected with a cross between them. I just loved this. Christ doesn’t want us to disconnect in every relationship we have, in fact, we are called to do just the opposite. However, this second picture shows the proper way to maintain these relationships: with God centered in the middle.
This far in the study, what key points/lessons/or verses have really stuck with you and have impacted your daily routine?
Did this drawing hit home for any of you? If so, I hope you were as grateful as I was to know that no rope is tied too tight for God. And with Him centered in our relationships, we can live with a sigh of relief, knowing that He is the one managing our relationships.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. If you are a little bit behind (as I am) feel free to post where you’re at and what you’re learning at this point in your study!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 5 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 123 of your workbook.
Have a great week!!
Your friend,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Week Four - WGPDUT
Late again! I hope you will forgive me for being a little late in making our weekly post again this week. I generally like to get a new post up on the page before lunch time, but I have had tough Mondays for the past two weeks. We had a slight family crisis this weekend (I’ll spare you the details because it still breaks my heart too much to blog about), but I will say that my family certainly would appreciate your prayers.
In any case, I am happy to get back into study mode with you now. We definitely have a lot to discuss from this past week of homework. Our focus this week was guarding against relational seductions. Or in other words, we studied how to maintain healthy relationships. Right off we learned that disconnecting from others in order to avoid be relationally seduced is not a viable option. Beth rightly noted that we have been left on this earth for the unapologetic purposes of connecting: (1) with a lost world through the gospel of Jesus Christ; (2) with people in need (people who need food, shelter, medical care, etc.) in the name of Jesus Christ; and (3) with the body of Christ for the love of Christ. Moreover, we discussed what it means to have unity with other believers, the snare of sexually seductive relationships, the snare of nonsexually seductive relationships, and the need we have for discernment and accountability.
Personally, I was encouraged by the topic this week in many ways. Generally speaking, I am a people person. I love my friends, my family, and even most strangers in a weird way. But, without a doubt, I have definitely had some unhealthy relationships in my life. It was interesting to be able to reflect on these relationships from a godly perspective. I’d like to think that, when it comes to my relationships today, I am much older and wiser (in part, due to my experiences in previous relationships and the hard lessons I’ve learned). But I also appreciated the valuable reminders this week of study had to offer. After all, I never want to get caught in seductive relational webs again.
What about you? What did you appreciate most from the lessons and/or video this past week? If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. It is always encouraging to hear from other members in the group!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 4 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 101 of your workbook.
I so love studying with each of you.
Your friend, Amy
In any case, I am happy to get back into study mode with you now. We definitely have a lot to discuss from this past week of homework. Our focus this week was guarding against relational seductions. Or in other words, we studied how to maintain healthy relationships. Right off we learned that disconnecting from others in order to avoid be relationally seduced is not a viable option. Beth rightly noted that we have been left on this earth for the unapologetic purposes of connecting: (1) with a lost world through the gospel of Jesus Christ; (2) with people in need (people who need food, shelter, medical care, etc.) in the name of Jesus Christ; and (3) with the body of Christ for the love of Christ. Moreover, we discussed what it means to have unity with other believers, the snare of sexually seductive relationships, the snare of nonsexually seductive relationships, and the need we have for discernment and accountability.
Personally, I was encouraged by the topic this week in many ways. Generally speaking, I am a people person. I love my friends, my family, and even most strangers in a weird way. But, without a doubt, I have definitely had some unhealthy relationships in my life. It was interesting to be able to reflect on these relationships from a godly perspective. I’d like to think that, when it comes to my relationships today, I am much older and wiser (in part, due to my experiences in previous relationships and the hard lessons I’ve learned). But I also appreciated the valuable reminders this week of study had to offer. After all, I never want to get caught in seductive relational webs again.
What about you? What did you appreciate most from the lessons and/or video this past week? If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. It is always encouraging to hear from other members in the group!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 4 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 101 of your workbook.
I so love studying with each of you.
Your friend, Amy
Week Four - WGPDUT
Late again! I hope you will forgive me for being a little late in making our weekly post again this week. I generally like to get a new post up on the page before lunch time, but I have had tough Mondays for the past two weeks. We had a slight family crisis this weekend (I’ll spare you the details because it still breaks my heart too much to blog about), but I will say that my family certainly would appreciate your prayers.
In any case, I am happy to get back into study mode with you now. We definitely have a lot to discuss from this past week of homework. Our focus this week was guarding against relational seductions. Or in other words, we studied how to maintain healthy relationships. Right off we learned that disconnecting from others in order to avoid be relationally seduced is not a viable option. Beth rightly noted that we have been left on this earth for the unapologetic purposes of connecting: (1) with a lost world through the gospel of Jesus Christ; (2) with people in need (people who need food, shelter, medical care, etc.) in the name of Jesus Christ; and (3) with the body of Christ for the love of Christ. Moreover, we discussed what it means to have unity with other believers, the snare of sexually seductive relationships, the snare of nonsexually seductive relationships, and the need we have for discernment and accountability.
Personally, I was encouraged by the topic this week in many ways. Generally speaking, I am a people person. I love my friends, my family, and even most strangers in a weird way. But, without a doubt, I have definitely had some unhealthy relationships in my life. It was interesting to be able to reflect on these relationships from a godly perspective. I’d like to think that, when it comes to my relationships today, I am much older and wiser (in part, due to my experiences in previous relationships and the hard lessons I’ve learned). But I also appreciated the valuable reminders this week of study had to offer. After all, I never want to get caught in seductive relational webs again.
What about you? What did you appreciate most from the lessons and/or video this past week? If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. It is always encouraging to hear from other members in the group!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 4 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 101 of your workbook.
I so love studying with each of you.
Your friend, Amy
In any case, I am happy to get back into study mode with you now. We definitely have a lot to discuss from this past week of homework. Our focus this week was guarding against relational seductions. Or in other words, we studied how to maintain healthy relationships. Right off we learned that disconnecting from others in order to avoid be relationally seduced is not a viable option. Beth rightly noted that we have been left on this earth for the unapologetic purposes of connecting: (1) with a lost world through the gospel of Jesus Christ; (2) with people in need (people who need food, shelter, medical care, etc.) in the name of Jesus Christ; and (3) with the body of Christ for the love of Christ. Moreover, we discussed what it means to have unity with other believers, the snare of sexually seductive relationships, the snare of nonsexually seductive relationships, and the need we have for discernment and accountability.
Personally, I was encouraged by the topic this week in many ways. Generally speaking, I am a people person. I love my friends, my family, and even most strangers in a weird way. But, without a doubt, I have definitely had some unhealthy relationships in my life. It was interesting to be able to reflect on these relationships from a godly perspective. I’d like to think that, when it comes to my relationships today, I am much older and wiser (in part, due to my experiences in previous relationships and the hard lessons I’ve learned). But I also appreciated the valuable reminders this week of study had to offer. After all, I never want to get caught in seductive relational webs again.
What about you? What did you appreciate most from the lessons and/or video this past week? If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, let us know what you thought. It is always encouraging to hear from other members in the group!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 4 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 101 of your workbook.
I so love studying with each of you.
Your friend, Amy
Monday, November 29, 2010
Week Three - WGPDUT
Hey there! I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. As usual, we had dinner with my husband’s side of the family and then stopped by my grandmother’s house for dessert. It was a nice day for sure. That night, I insanely decided to hit Toys R Us for their Black Friday sales. I didn’t end up getting home until 2:00 in the morning, but I have to admit I had fun. I also saved a lot of money and I actually got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. The day after Thanksgiving, my little family went to get our Christmas tree and a few Christmas decorations from Lowes. We decorated all day and (if I do say so myself) the house looks great! The day after that, my mother-in-law came over to stay with my daughter so my husband and I could head off to Cape May, NJ. It was our 6th wedding anniversary this past Saturday so we celebrated with a night down the shore. We really had a lot of fun. The entire weekend was great; it really could not have been better.
This week, however, has gotten off to an entirely different kind of start. Not feeling so well, I decided to sleep in a little later than usual this morning. When my daughter and I woke up, we went downstairs to find that one of my two dogs had pooped all over the rug. I couldn’t determine which dog it was (because they were both acting guilty) and, like a complete jerk, I attempted to kick one of my dogs in the backside with my barefoot as he ran out the back door. He dodged my kick and instead my barefoot went straight through a glass pane in the bottom of my door. Glass shattered everywhere. My foot was bleeding. There was, of course, still poop on the floor. The whole scene was very lovely indeed. Thankfully, my injuries were minor, the door needed to be replaced anyway, the dogs are fine and the poop has been cleaned. Still, isn’t it funny how quickly life changes pace? To make matters worse, one of our cars is acting up and is now sitting at the mechanic. Gotta love it.
In light of life’s ups and down (which in many instances are much more serious than the turn of events I just described), I can’t help but stop and again reflect on day one of our homework this past week. Specifically, I am struck by the first few verses Beth described as the verses of a “seduce-proofed believer.”
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);
Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will] (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18, AMP).
On Thanksgiving morning, I ended up coming to the part of our homework where we were directed to pause and make a list of things for which we are thankful. I couldn’t help but smile. I love when God so perfectly coordinates life with what He is teaching us through the study of His word. The timing of this question couldn’t have been better. Moreover, the lesson that came along with the teaching was powerful:
Seduce-proofed people live in active gratitude . . . dissatisfaction is a stronghold waiting to happen. An unsatisfied soul should never be ignored. Ongoing or chronic feelings of dissatisfaction are waving red flags that need to be well inspected. Such feelings may mean something vital is missing, and we need to seek God without delay (WGPDUT, pg. 58).
In my homework I wrote that I am thankful for God’s love and mercy and unbreakable covenant. I am thankful for my sweet husband, my daughter, and my daughter-to-be. I am thankful for the privilege of serving the Lord. And I am thankful for the many provisions God has given me that I do not deserve.
Everything I wrote in my homework is true. I am thankful for all of it. But in my frustration this morning, I clearly was not living in active gratitude. Therefore, adding to the list I made in my homework, I want to thank the Lord for loving me enough to continually show me my own hypocrisy. I clearly need to find joy in and surrender even more of my life to the power of the Spirit.
Lord, in keeping with 1 Thessalonians 5:24, I know You have called me, You are faithful, and You will do it. Please change me by the power of Your Spirit. Help my soul to be fully satisfied in You that I might continually live in active gratitude. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please either post something for which you are thankful or post an area of dissatisfaction for which you would like the group to pray. We are all in this together, and that is definitely another thing for which I am thankful!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 3 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 77 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
This week, however, has gotten off to an entirely different kind of start. Not feeling so well, I decided to sleep in a little later than usual this morning. When my daughter and I woke up, we went downstairs to find that one of my two dogs had pooped all over the rug. I couldn’t determine which dog it was (because they were both acting guilty) and, like a complete jerk, I attempted to kick one of my dogs in the backside with my barefoot as he ran out the back door. He dodged my kick and instead my barefoot went straight through a glass pane in the bottom of my door. Glass shattered everywhere. My foot was bleeding. There was, of course, still poop on the floor. The whole scene was very lovely indeed. Thankfully, my injuries were minor, the door needed to be replaced anyway, the dogs are fine and the poop has been cleaned. Still, isn’t it funny how quickly life changes pace? To make matters worse, one of our cars is acting up and is now sitting at the mechanic. Gotta love it.
In light of life’s ups and down (which in many instances are much more serious than the turn of events I just described), I can’t help but stop and again reflect on day one of our homework this past week. Specifically, I am struck by the first few verses Beth described as the verses of a “seduce-proofed believer.”
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);
Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will] (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18, AMP).
On Thanksgiving morning, I ended up coming to the part of our homework where we were directed to pause and make a list of things for which we are thankful. I couldn’t help but smile. I love when God so perfectly coordinates life with what He is teaching us through the study of His word. The timing of this question couldn’t have been better. Moreover, the lesson that came along with the teaching was powerful:
Seduce-proofed people live in active gratitude . . . dissatisfaction is a stronghold waiting to happen. An unsatisfied soul should never be ignored. Ongoing or chronic feelings of dissatisfaction are waving red flags that need to be well inspected. Such feelings may mean something vital is missing, and we need to seek God without delay (WGPDUT, pg. 58).
In my homework I wrote that I am thankful for God’s love and mercy and unbreakable covenant. I am thankful for my sweet husband, my daughter, and my daughter-to-be. I am thankful for the privilege of serving the Lord. And I am thankful for the many provisions God has given me that I do not deserve.
Everything I wrote in my homework is true. I am thankful for all of it. But in my frustration this morning, I clearly was not living in active gratitude. Therefore, adding to the list I made in my homework, I want to thank the Lord for loving me enough to continually show me my own hypocrisy. I clearly need to find joy in and surrender even more of my life to the power of the Spirit.
Lord, in keeping with 1 Thessalonians 5:24, I know You have called me, You are faithful, and You will do it. Please change me by the power of Your Spirit. Help my soul to be fully satisfied in You that I might continually live in active gratitude. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please either post something for which you are thankful or post an area of dissatisfaction for which you would like the group to pray. We are all in this together, and that is definitely another thing for which I am thankful!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 3 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 77 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Week Three - WGPDUT
Hey there! I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. As usual, we had dinner with my husband’s side of the family and then stopped by my grandmother’s house for dessert. It was a nice day for sure. That night, I insanely decided to hit Toys R Us for their Black Friday sales. I didn’t end up getting home until 2:00 in the morning, but I have to admit I had fun. I also saved a lot of money and I actually got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. The day after Thanksgiving, my little family went to get our Christmas tree and a few Christmas decorations from Lowes. We decorated all day and (if I do say so myself) the house looks great! The day after that, my mother-in-law came over to stay with my daughter so my husband and I could head off to Cape May, NJ. It was our 6th wedding anniversary this past Saturday so we celebrated with a night down the shore. We really had a lot of fun. The entire weekend was great; it really could not have been better.
This week, however, has gotten off to an entirely different kind of start. Not feeling so well, I decided to sleep in a little later than usual this morning. When my daughter and I woke up, we went downstairs to find that one of my two dogs had pooped all over the rug. I couldn’t determine which dog it was (because they were both acting guilty) and, like a complete jerk, I attempted to kick one of my dogs in the backside with my barefoot as he ran out the back door. He dodged my kick and instead my barefoot went straight through a glass pane in the bottom of my door. Glass shattered everywhere. My foot was bleeding. There was, of course, still poop on the floor. The whole scene was very lovely indeed. Thankfully, my injuries were minor, the door needed to be replaced anyway, the dogs are fine and the poop has been cleaned. Still, isn’t it funny how quickly life changes pace? To make matters worse, one of our cars is acting up and is now sitting at the mechanic. Gotta love it.
In light of life’s ups and down (which in many instances are much more serious than the turn of events I just described), I can’t help but stop and again reflect on day one of our homework this past week. Specifically, I am struck by the first few verses Beth described as the verses of a “seduce-proofed believer.”
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);
Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will] (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18, AMP).
On Thanksgiving morning, I ended up coming to the part of our homework where we were directed to pause and make a list of things for which we are thankful. I couldn’t help but smile. I love when God so perfectly coordinates life with what He is teaching us through the study of His word. The timing of this question couldn’t have been better. Moreover, the lesson that came along with the teaching was powerful:
Seduce-proofed people live in active gratitude . . . dissatisfaction is a stronghold waiting to happen. An unsatisfied soul should never be ignored. Ongoing or chronic feelings of dissatisfaction are waving red flags that need to be well inspected. Such feelings may mean something vital is missing, and we need to seek God without delay (WGPDUT, pg. 58).
In my homework I wrote that I am thankful for God’s love and mercy and unbreakable covenant. I am thankful for my sweet husband, my daughter, and my daughter-to-be. I am thankful for the privilege of serving the Lord. And I am thankful for the many provisions God has given me that I do not deserve.
Everything I wrote in my homework is true. I am thankful for all of it. But in my frustration this morning, I clearly was not living in active gratitude. Therefore, adding to the list I made in my homework, I want to thank the Lord for loving me enough to continually show me my own hypocrisy. I clearly need to find joy in and surrender even more of my life to the power of the Spirit.
Lord, in keeping with 1 Thessalonians 5:24, I know You have called me, You are faithful, and You will do it. Please change me by the power of Your Spirit. Help my soul to be fully satisfied in You that I might continually live in active gratitude. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please either post something for which you are thankful or post an area of dissatisfaction for which you would like the group to pray. We are all in this together, and that is definitely another thing for which I am thankful!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 3 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 77 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
This week, however, has gotten off to an entirely different kind of start. Not feeling so well, I decided to sleep in a little later than usual this morning. When my daughter and I woke up, we went downstairs to find that one of my two dogs had pooped all over the rug. I couldn’t determine which dog it was (because they were both acting guilty) and, like a complete jerk, I attempted to kick one of my dogs in the backside with my barefoot as he ran out the back door. He dodged my kick and instead my barefoot went straight through a glass pane in the bottom of my door. Glass shattered everywhere. My foot was bleeding. There was, of course, still poop on the floor. The whole scene was very lovely indeed. Thankfully, my injuries were minor, the door needed to be replaced anyway, the dogs are fine and the poop has been cleaned. Still, isn’t it funny how quickly life changes pace? To make matters worse, one of our cars is acting up and is now sitting at the mechanic. Gotta love it.
In light of life’s ups and down (which in many instances are much more serious than the turn of events I just described), I can’t help but stop and again reflect on day one of our homework this past week. Specifically, I am struck by the first few verses Beth described as the verses of a “seduce-proofed believer.”
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);
Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will] (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18, AMP).
On Thanksgiving morning, I ended up coming to the part of our homework where we were directed to pause and make a list of things for which we are thankful. I couldn’t help but smile. I love when God so perfectly coordinates life with what He is teaching us through the study of His word. The timing of this question couldn’t have been better. Moreover, the lesson that came along with the teaching was powerful:
Seduce-proofed people live in active gratitude . . . dissatisfaction is a stronghold waiting to happen. An unsatisfied soul should never be ignored. Ongoing or chronic feelings of dissatisfaction are waving red flags that need to be well inspected. Such feelings may mean something vital is missing, and we need to seek God without delay (WGPDUT, pg. 58).
In my homework I wrote that I am thankful for God’s love and mercy and unbreakable covenant. I am thankful for my sweet husband, my daughter, and my daughter-to-be. I am thankful for the privilege of serving the Lord. And I am thankful for the many provisions God has given me that I do not deserve.
Everything I wrote in my homework is true. I am thankful for all of it. But in my frustration this morning, I clearly was not living in active gratitude. Therefore, adding to the list I made in my homework, I want to thank the Lord for loving me enough to continually show me my own hypocrisy. I clearly need to find joy in and surrender even more of my life to the power of the Spirit.
Lord, in keeping with 1 Thessalonians 5:24, I know You have called me, You are faithful, and You will do it. Please change me by the power of Your Spirit. Help my soul to be fully satisfied in You that I might continually live in active gratitude. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please either post something for which you are thankful or post an area of dissatisfaction for which you would like the group to pray. We are all in this together, and that is definitely another thing for which I am thankful!
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 3 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 77 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Monday, November 22, 2010
Week Two - WGPDUT
Welcome back! This week we studied what makes us targets for seduction and how Satan must seek permission from God before he can attack a believer.
While I found all of this week’s study material to be very interesting and helpful, I was probably most impacted by the material on day one. Here, Beth alerted us to the reality that the enemy will often target believers where they are most vulnerable or weak. She then listed four common weaknesses amongst christians: ignorance; spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge; lack of discernment; and a lack of self-discernment. I think I was most fascinated by this part of our study because I have personally struggled with each of these weaknesses to different degrees at different times in my spiritual walk. It was interesting to see a list that broke these issues down in such a basic, straightforward way.
Looking back, I am acutely aware of God’s hedge of protection around my life through serious periods of ignorance, lack of biblical knowledge, lack of discernment, and a lack of self-discernment. However, at certain points, I can also see where God clearly lifted that hedge and allowed the enemy some access. It was through these times of tribulation that I matured in my faith and my areas of weakness were strengthened. Indeed, I wonder if I ever would have grown in my faith if the Lord hadn’t allowed me to skin my knees. He knew exactly where I needed to be refined, and He lovingly allowed me to endure that process (all while keeping a watchful eye and a protective hand upon me). Praise Him!
Do not get me wrong. I do not think I am entirely in the clear with regard to any of these areas of weakness. But I am on the lookout now and I know (on a basic level at least) what I need to do. On page 38 of our homework Beth noted, “We are so quick to acknowledge the errors of others, but one of our best defenses is to recognize where we’ve each gone wrong and where our personal weak places are.” I hope we are all starting to recognize these things in ourselves.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 2 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 53 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
While I found all of this week’s study material to be very interesting and helpful, I was probably most impacted by the material on day one. Here, Beth alerted us to the reality that the enemy will often target believers where they are most vulnerable or weak. She then listed four common weaknesses amongst christians: ignorance; spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge; lack of discernment; and a lack of self-discernment. I think I was most fascinated by this part of our study because I have personally struggled with each of these weaknesses to different degrees at different times in my spiritual walk. It was interesting to see a list that broke these issues down in such a basic, straightforward way.
Looking back, I am acutely aware of God’s hedge of protection around my life through serious periods of ignorance, lack of biblical knowledge, lack of discernment, and a lack of self-discernment. However, at certain points, I can also see where God clearly lifted that hedge and allowed the enemy some access. It was through these times of tribulation that I matured in my faith and my areas of weakness were strengthened. Indeed, I wonder if I ever would have grown in my faith if the Lord hadn’t allowed me to skin my knees. He knew exactly where I needed to be refined, and He lovingly allowed me to endure that process (all while keeping a watchful eye and a protective hand upon me). Praise Him!
Do not get me wrong. I do not think I am entirely in the clear with regard to any of these areas of weakness. But I am on the lookout now and I know (on a basic level at least) what I need to do. On page 38 of our homework Beth noted, “We are so quick to acknowledge the errors of others, but one of our best defenses is to recognize where we’ve each gone wrong and where our personal weak places are.” I hope we are all starting to recognize these things in ourselves.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 2 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 53 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Week Two - WGPDUT
Welcome back! This week we studied what makes us targets for seduction and how Satan must seek permission from God before he can attack a believer.
While I found all of this week’s study material to be very interesting and helpful, I was probably most impacted by the material on day one. Here, Beth alerted us to the reality that the enemy will often target believers where they are most vulnerable or weak. She then listed four common weaknesses amongst christians: ignorance; spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge; lack of discernment; and a lack of self-discernment. I think I was most fascinated by this part of our study because I have personally struggled with each of these weaknesses to different degrees at different times in my spiritual walk. It was interesting to see a list that broke these issues down in such a basic, straightforward way.
Looking back, I am acutely aware of God’s hedge of protection around my life through serious periods of ignorance, lack of biblical knowledge, lack of discernment, and a lack of self-discernment. However, at certain points, I can also see where God clearly lifted that hedge and allowed the enemy some access. It was through these times of tribulation that I matured in my faith and my areas of weakness were strengthened. Indeed, I wonder if I ever would have grown in my faith if the Lord hadn’t allowed me to skin my knees. He knew exactly where I needed to be refined, and He lovingly allowed me to endure that process (all while keeping a watchful eye and a protective hand upon me). Praise Him!
Do not get me wrong. I do not think I am entirely in the clear with regard to any of these areas of weakness. But I am on the lookout now and I know (on a basic level at least) what I need to do. On page 38 of our homework Beth noted, “We are so quick to acknowledge the errors of others, but one of our best defenses is to recognize where we’ve each gone wrong and where our personal weak places are.” I hope we are all starting to recognize these things in ourselves.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 2 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 53 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
While I found all of this week’s study material to be very interesting and helpful, I was probably most impacted by the material on day one. Here, Beth alerted us to the reality that the enemy will often target believers where they are most vulnerable or weak. She then listed four common weaknesses amongst christians: ignorance; spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge; lack of discernment; and a lack of self-discernment. I think I was most fascinated by this part of our study because I have personally struggled with each of these weaknesses to different degrees at different times in my spiritual walk. It was interesting to see a list that broke these issues down in such a basic, straightforward way.
Looking back, I am acutely aware of God’s hedge of protection around my life through serious periods of ignorance, lack of biblical knowledge, lack of discernment, and a lack of self-discernment. However, at certain points, I can also see where God clearly lifted that hedge and allowed the enemy some access. It was through these times of tribulation that I matured in my faith and my areas of weakness were strengthened. Indeed, I wonder if I ever would have grown in my faith if the Lord hadn’t allowed me to skin my knees. He knew exactly where I needed to be refined, and He lovingly allowed me to endure that process (all while keeping a watchful eye and a protective hand upon me). Praise Him!
Do not get me wrong. I do not think I am entirely in the clear with regard to any of these areas of weakness. But I am on the lookout now and I know (on a basic level at least) what I need to do. On page 38 of our homework Beth noted, “We are so quick to acknowledge the errors of others, but one of our best defenses is to recognize where we’ve each gone wrong and where our personal weak places are.” I hope we are all starting to recognize these things in ourselves.
If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching the group session 2 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 53 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Monday, November 15, 2010
Week One - WGPDUT
I hope you enjoyed your first week of Bible study as much as I did. Last term, we studied the book of Daniel over a period of 12 weeks. Throughout the study, I kept telling the group, “This is the most intense Bible study I have ever done.” Indeed, because half of the book of Daniel consists of Bible prophecy, it was very intense from an intellectual standpoint.
However, when we started “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”, it occurred to me that the subject matter of this study might be even more intense, but for very different reasons. Though I have never done this study before, the title alone draws out many different emotions in me. “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” sounds like it could be a 60 Minutes episode. Without thinking very hard, I can come up with several recent examples in the news that would fit this title well. This title also serves as a painful reminder of the wounds that I (and other people that I love) have personally suffered at the hands of someone otherwise known to be “godly.” But perhaps the most intense aspect of this study will be its application to our own personal failures. If we are honest with ourselves, the title “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” could probably serve as the title of many chapters in our own life stories.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus warned that we should remove the plank in our own eye before we attempt to remove a speck from our brother’s eye.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:3-5, NIV
It is easy to think of the title of this study in the context of how other “godly” people have failed. But I cannot help but think of these verses in Matthew chapter 7 when I think of the title of our study. I certainly have done ungodly things in my past and continue to struggle with ungodly conduct in my present. My failures are represented in these verses as a plank in my eye that needs to be removed - ouch! Having a plank removed from my eye sounds really painful. But then again, living with a plank in my eye also sounds painful. Given the alternative, I want that plank removed for two reasons: 1) so my eye can heal and I can see clearly; and 2) so I can lovingly help my brother (or sister) to see clearly too.
Kristin (a member of our online facebook group) posed a great question this week. What brings each of us to Bible study? For me, I want to get to the heart of why I continue to fall into the same sin patterns and guard against falling into new ones. I want to know why Amy Hill continues to do ungodly things, and I want to learn how to guard against those things in the future. I also want to learn how to help other brothers and sisters in Christ avoid falling into webs of sin.
Beth set us up good this week with a lot of fascinating material. If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching video session one (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 31 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
However, when we started “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”, it occurred to me that the subject matter of this study might be even more intense, but for very different reasons. Though I have never done this study before, the title alone draws out many different emotions in me. “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” sounds like it could be a 60 Minutes episode. Without thinking very hard, I can come up with several recent examples in the news that would fit this title well. This title also serves as a painful reminder of the wounds that I (and other people that I love) have personally suffered at the hands of someone otherwise known to be “godly.” But perhaps the most intense aspect of this study will be its application to our own personal failures. If we are honest with ourselves, the title “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” could probably serve as the title of many chapters in our own life stories.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus warned that we should remove the plank in our own eye before we attempt to remove a speck from our brother’s eye.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:3-5, NIV
It is easy to think of the title of this study in the context of how other “godly” people have failed. But I cannot help but think of these verses in Matthew chapter 7 when I think of the title of our study. I certainly have done ungodly things in my past and continue to struggle with ungodly conduct in my present. My failures are represented in these verses as a plank in my eye that needs to be removed - ouch! Having a plank removed from my eye sounds really painful. But then again, living with a plank in my eye also sounds painful. Given the alternative, I want that plank removed for two reasons: 1) so my eye can heal and I can see clearly; and 2) so I can lovingly help my brother (or sister) to see clearly too.
Kristin (a member of our online facebook group) posed a great question this week. What brings each of us to Bible study? For me, I want to get to the heart of why I continue to fall into the same sin patterns and guard against falling into new ones. I want to know why Amy Hill continues to do ungodly things, and I want to learn how to guard against those things in the future. I also want to learn how to help other brothers and sisters in Christ avoid falling into webs of sin.
Beth set us up good this week with a lot of fascinating material. If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching video session one (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 31 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Week One - WGPDUT
I hope you enjoyed your first week of Bible study as much as I did. Last term, we studied the book of Daniel over a period of 12 weeks. Throughout the study, I kept telling the group, “This is the most intense Bible study I have ever done.” Indeed, because half of the book of Daniel consists of Bible prophecy, it was very intense from an intellectual standpoint.
However, when we started “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”, it occurred to me that the subject matter of this study might be even more intense, but for very different reasons. Though I have never done this study before, the title alone draws out many different emotions in me. “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” sounds like it could be a 60 Minutes episode. Without thinking very hard, I can come up with several recent examples in the news that would fit this title well. This title also serves as a painful reminder of the wounds that I (and other people that I love) have personally suffered at the hands of someone otherwise known to be “godly.” But perhaps the most intense aspect of this study will be its application to our own personal failures. If we are honest with ourselves, the title “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” could probably serve as the title of many chapters in our own life stories.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus warned that we should remove the plank in our own eye before we attempt to remove a speck from our brother’s eye.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:3-5, NIV
It is easy to think of the title of this study in the context of how other “godly” people have failed. But I cannot help but think of these verses in Matthew chapter 7 when I think of the title of our study. I certainly have done ungodly things in my past and continue to struggle with ungodly conduct in my present. My failures are represented in these verses as a plank in my eye that needs to be removed - ouch! Having a plank removed from my eye sounds really painful. But then again, living with a plank in my eye also sounds painful. Given the alternative, I want that plank removed for two reasons: 1) so my eye can heal and I can see clearly; and 2) so I can lovingly help my brother (or sister) to see clearly too.
Kristin (a member of our online facebook group) posed a great question this week. What brings each of us to Bible study? For me, I want to get to the heart of why I continue to fall into the same sin patterns and guard against falling into new ones. I want to know why Amy Hill continues to do ungodly things, and I want to learn how to guard against those things in the future. I also want to learn how to help other brothers and sisters in Christ avoid falling into webs of sin.
Beth set us up good this week with a lot of fascinating material. If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching video session one (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 31 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
However, when we started “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”, it occurred to me that the subject matter of this study might be even more intense, but for very different reasons. Though I have never done this study before, the title alone draws out many different emotions in me. “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” sounds like it could be a 60 Minutes episode. Without thinking very hard, I can come up with several recent examples in the news that would fit this title well. This title also serves as a painful reminder of the wounds that I (and other people that I love) have personally suffered at the hands of someone otherwise known to be “godly.” But perhaps the most intense aspect of this study will be its application to our own personal failures. If we are honest with ourselves, the title “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” could probably serve as the title of many chapters in our own life stories.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus warned that we should remove the plank in our own eye before we attempt to remove a speck from our brother’s eye.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:3-5, NIV
It is easy to think of the title of this study in the context of how other “godly” people have failed. But I cannot help but think of these verses in Matthew chapter 7 when I think of the title of our study. I certainly have done ungodly things in my past and continue to struggle with ungodly conduct in my present. My failures are represented in these verses as a plank in my eye that needs to be removed - ouch! Having a plank removed from my eye sounds really painful. But then again, living with a plank in my eye also sounds painful. Given the alternative, I want that plank removed for two reasons: 1) so my eye can heal and I can see clearly; and 2) so I can lovingly help my brother (or sister) to see clearly too.
Kristin (a member of our online facebook group) posed a great question this week. What brings each of us to Bible study? For me, I want to get to the heart of why I continue to fall into the same sin patterns and guard against falling into new ones. I want to know why Amy Hill continues to do ungodly things, and I want to learn how to guard against those things in the future. I also want to learn how to help other brothers and sisters in Christ avoid falling into webs of sin.
Beth set us up good this week with a lot of fascinating material. If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.
This week, we’ll be watching video session one (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 31 of your workbook.
Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Your friend, Amy
Monday, November 8, 2010
Introduction - WGPDUT
Welcome to the first week of our online Bible study, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things" by Beth Moore. I am so happy you have decided to participate. I am confident you will greatly benefit from time spent in the study of God’s word. It is truly an eternal investment. You know the saying, “you can’t take it with you when you go.” Well this is the exception to that rule. This is the stuff that matters both here on earth and eternally. So welcome.
Before we begin, I want to lovingly caution you that online Bible Study can be very difficult to see through to completion. It is one of those things that begin with the best of intentions and end without much thought at all. One of the reasons for this is because there is very little accountability in an online setting. Indeed, I (as the facilitator) am really the only person accountable to make regular posts and stay on schedule with our study. Thus participants in past studies have often gotten behind or altogether lost. Of course, my intention is not to discourage anyone from online study, but to encourage each of you to set your own personal goals that will enable you to succeed. Consider making a personal commitment to post a comment on our group page about what you learn in study each week. Or come up with another way to reward yourself for staying caught up with your weekly assignment. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged if you do fall behind. Bible study (especially online bible study) is difficult for everyone. I want this to be a place of encouragement (not a place of judgment or discouragement). You are loved here - whether you complete on schedule, fall behind, or quit altogether. I do want each of you to succeed, however. So if there is anything I can do to help you to do that, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be sure to pray for you regularly, and would very much appreciate your prayers for me as well.
That being said, let me give you a quick overview of what this online Bible study will entail. We will start each week of study by watching a video of our teacher, Beth Moore. The videos are approximately one hour in length. After viewing the video, we will have five days of homework to complete in our workbooks. Each day of homework will take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are new to Bible study, this may seem like a lot of work. But again, I encourage you to persevere. I have never found the study of God’s word to be a waste of time. To the contrary, it has always proven to be one of the most valuable uses of my time. I am sure that once you get started, you will feel the same.
This week, we’ll be watching the introductory video session. The video response sheet (to be completed while watching the introductory video session) can be found on page 9 of our workbooks. Click the link below to download the introductory video session.
Our homework for the week begins on page 11 of our workbooks. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Monday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we will will learn this week.
Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.
Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
I can’t wait to get started! So let’s do it.
Your friend, Amy
PS- If at any point any of you are interested in attending the Tuesday night home group study of this same Bible study series, please let me know. We are meeting in the Mickleton, NJ area at 6:15 pm on Tuesday nights, and we would love for you to join us. There is no cost to attend the home group video sessions as a local church (Bethel Baptist Church of Cherry Hill, NJ) has graciously lent our home group the video series. Hope to see you there!
Before we begin, I want to lovingly caution you that online Bible Study can be very difficult to see through to completion. It is one of those things that begin with the best of intentions and end without much thought at all. One of the reasons for this is because there is very little accountability in an online setting. Indeed, I (as the facilitator) am really the only person accountable to make regular posts and stay on schedule with our study. Thus participants in past studies have often gotten behind or altogether lost. Of course, my intention is not to discourage anyone from online study, but to encourage each of you to set your own personal goals that will enable you to succeed. Consider making a personal commitment to post a comment on our group page about what you learn in study each week. Or come up with another way to reward yourself for staying caught up with your weekly assignment. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged if you do fall behind. Bible study (especially online bible study) is difficult for everyone. I want this to be a place of encouragement (not a place of judgment or discouragement). You are loved here - whether you complete on schedule, fall behind, or quit altogether. I do want each of you to succeed, however. So if there is anything I can do to help you to do that, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be sure to pray for you regularly, and would very much appreciate your prayers for me as well.
That being said, let me give you a quick overview of what this online Bible study will entail. We will start each week of study by watching a video of our teacher, Beth Moore. The videos are approximately one hour in length. After viewing the video, we will have five days of homework to complete in our workbooks. Each day of homework will take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are new to Bible study, this may seem like a lot of work. But again, I encourage you to persevere. I have never found the study of God’s word to be a waste of time. To the contrary, it has always proven to be one of the most valuable uses of my time. I am sure that once you get started, you will feel the same.
This week, we’ll be watching the introductory video session. The video response sheet (to be completed while watching the introductory video session) can be found on page 9 of our workbooks. Click the link below to download the introductory video session.
Our homework for the week begins on page 11 of our workbooks. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Monday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we will will learn this week.
Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.
Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
I can’t wait to get started! So let’s do it.
Your friend, Amy
PS- If at any point any of you are interested in attending the Tuesday night home group study of this same Bible study series, please let me know. We are meeting in the Mickleton, NJ area at 6:15 pm on Tuesday nights, and we would love for you to join us. There is no cost to attend the home group video sessions as a local church (Bethel Baptist Church of Cherry Hill, NJ) has graciously lent our home group the video series. Hope to see you there!
Introduction - WGPDUT
Welcome to the first week of our online Bible study, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things" by Beth Moore. I am so happy you have decided to participate. I am confident you will greatly benefit from time spent in the study of God’s word. It is truly an eternal investment. You know the saying, “you can’t take it with you when you go.” Well this is the exception to that rule. This is the stuff that matters both here on earth and eternally. So welcome.
Before we begin, I want to lovingly caution you that online Bible Study can be very difficult to see through to completion. It is one of those things that begin with the best of intentions and end without much thought at all. One of the reasons for this is because there is very little accountability in an online setting. Indeed, I (as the facilitator) am really the only person accountable to make regular posts and stay on schedule with our study. Thus participants in past studies have often gotten behind or altogether lost. Of course, my intention is not to discourage anyone from online study, but to encourage each of you to set your own personal goals that will enable you to succeed. Consider making a personal commitment to post a comment on our group page about what you learn in study each week. Or come up with another way to reward yourself for staying caught up with your weekly assignment. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged if you do fall behind. Bible study (especially online bible study) is difficult for everyone. I want this to be a place of encouragement (not a place of judgment or discouragement). You are loved here - whether you complete on schedule, fall behind, or quit altogether. I do want each of you to succeed, however. So if there is anything I can do to help you to do that, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be sure to pray for you regularly, and would very much appreciate your prayers for me as well.
That being said, let me give you a quick overview of what this online Bible study will entail. We will start each week of study by watching a video of our teacher, Beth Moore. The videos are approximately one hour in length. After viewing the video, we will have five days of homework to complete in our workbooks. Each day of homework will take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are new to Bible study, this may seem like a lot of work. But again, I encourage you to persevere. I have never found the study of God’s word to be a waste of time. To the contrary, it has always proven to be one of the most valuable uses of my time. I am sure that once you get started, you will feel the same.
This week, we’ll be watching the introductory video session. The video response sheet (to be completed while watching the introductory video session) can be found on page 9 of our workbooks. Click the link below to download the introductory video session.
Our homework for the week begins on page 11 of our workbooks. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Monday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we will will learn this week.
Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.
Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
I can’t wait to get started! So let’s do it.
Your friend, Amy
PS- If at any point any of you are interested in attending the Tuesday night home group study of this same Bible study series, please let me know. We are meeting in the Mickleton, NJ area at 6:15 pm on Tuesday nights, and we would love for you to join us. There is no cost to attend the home group video sessions as a local church (Bethel Baptist Church of Cherry Hill, NJ) has graciously lent our home group the video series. Hope to see you there!
Before we begin, I want to lovingly caution you that online Bible Study can be very difficult to see through to completion. It is one of those things that begin with the best of intentions and end without much thought at all. One of the reasons for this is because there is very little accountability in an online setting. Indeed, I (as the facilitator) am really the only person accountable to make regular posts and stay on schedule with our study. Thus participants in past studies have often gotten behind or altogether lost. Of course, my intention is not to discourage anyone from online study, but to encourage each of you to set your own personal goals that will enable you to succeed. Consider making a personal commitment to post a comment on our group page about what you learn in study each week. Or come up with another way to reward yourself for staying caught up with your weekly assignment. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged if you do fall behind. Bible study (especially online bible study) is difficult for everyone. I want this to be a place of encouragement (not a place of judgment or discouragement). You are loved here - whether you complete on schedule, fall behind, or quit altogether. I do want each of you to succeed, however. So if there is anything I can do to help you to do that, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be sure to pray for you regularly, and would very much appreciate your prayers for me as well.
That being said, let me give you a quick overview of what this online Bible study will entail. We will start each week of study by watching a video of our teacher, Beth Moore. The videos are approximately one hour in length. After viewing the video, we will have five days of homework to complete in our workbooks. Each day of homework will take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are new to Bible study, this may seem like a lot of work. But again, I encourage you to persevere. I have never found the study of God’s word to be a waste of time. To the contrary, it has always proven to be one of the most valuable uses of my time. I am sure that once you get started, you will feel the same.
This week, we’ll be watching the introductory video session. The video response sheet (to be completed while watching the introductory video session) can be found on page 9 of our workbooks. Click the link below to download the introductory video session.
Our homework for the week begins on page 11 of our workbooks. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Monday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we will will learn this week.
Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.
Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
I can’t wait to get started! So let’s do it.
Your friend, Amy
PS- If at any point any of you are interested in attending the Tuesday night home group study of this same Bible study series, please let me know. We are meeting in the Mickleton, NJ area at 6:15 pm on Tuesday nights, and we would love for you to join us. There is no cost to attend the home group video sessions as a local church (Bethel Baptist Church of Cherry Hill, NJ) has graciously lent our home group the video series. Hope to see you there!
Friday, October 22, 2010

Please join us. Our next online study is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 8, 2010. We will be studying Beth Moore's, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things."
To order your member book, click the link under PLEASE JOIN US! (on the top right of this page)
For all local girls, there will also be a homestudy group meeting in the Gloucester County, NJ area on Tuesday nights. Please contact me for information :)

Please join us. Our next online study is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 8, 2010. We will be studying Beth Moore's, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things."
To order your member book, click the link under PLEASE JOIN US! (on the top right of this page)
For all local girls, there will also be a homestudy group meeting in the Gloucester County, NJ area on Tuesday nights. Please contact me for information :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Final Exam - Daniel
Daniel: Lives of Integrity; Words of Prophecy
Final Exam
Answer Key
From Session 1 and Daniel 1
1. (A) 3. (D) 5. (B) 7. (C) 9. (D)
2. (C) 4. (B) 6. (A) 8. (A) 10. (B)
From Session 2 and Daniel 2
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D)
From Session 3 and Daniel 3
15. (C) 17. (A) 19. (D)
16. (D) 18. (B) 20. (A)
From Session 4 and Daniel 4
(D) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (C)
From Session 5 and Daniel 5
(C) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A)
From Session 6 and Daniel 6
(B) 31. (A) 32. (C)
From Session 7 and Daniel 7
(D) 35. (A) 37. (A) 39. (B)
(B) 36. (A) 38. (C)
From Session 8 and Daniel 8
(D) 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (D) 44. (A)
From Session 9 and Daniel 9
(D) 47. (B) 49. (A)
(D) 48. (B) 50. (C)
From Session 10 and Daniel 10
(C) 52. (A) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (D)
From Session 11 and Daniel 11
(A) 57. (B) 58. (D)
From Session 12 and Daniel 12
59. (B) 60. (C)
Final Exam
Answer Key
From Session 1 and Daniel 1
1. (A) 3. (D) 5. (B) 7. (C) 9. (D)
2. (C) 4. (B) 6. (A) 8. (A) 10. (B)
From Session 2 and Daniel 2
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D)
From Session 3 and Daniel 3
15. (C) 17. (A) 19. (D)
16. (D) 18. (B) 20. (A)
From Session 4 and Daniel 4
(D) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (C)
From Session 5 and Daniel 5
(C) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A)
From Session 6 and Daniel 6
(B) 31. (A) 32. (C)
From Session 7 and Daniel 7
(D) 35. (A) 37. (A) 39. (B)
(B) 36. (A) 38. (C)
From Session 8 and Daniel 8
(D) 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (D) 44. (A)
From Session 9 and Daniel 9
(D) 47. (B) 49. (A)
(D) 48. (B) 50. (C)
From Session 10 and Daniel 10
(C) 52. (A) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (D)
From Session 11 and Daniel 11
(A) 57. (B) 58. (D)
From Session 12 and Daniel 12
59. (B) 60. (C)
Final Exam - Daniel
Daniel: Lives of Integrity; Words of Prophecy
Final Exam
Answer Key
From Session 1 and Daniel 1
1. (A) 3. (D) 5. (B) 7. (C) 9. (D)
2. (C) 4. (B) 6. (A) 8. (A) 10. (B)
From Session 2 and Daniel 2
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D)
From Session 3 and Daniel 3
15. (C) 17. (A) 19. (D)
16. (D) 18. (B) 20. (A)
From Session 4 and Daniel 4
(D) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (C)
From Session 5 and Daniel 5
(C) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A)
From Session 6 and Daniel 6
(B) 31. (A) 32. (C)
From Session 7 and Daniel 7
(D) 35. (A) 37. (A) 39. (B)
(B) 36. (A) 38. (C)
From Session 8 and Daniel 8
(D) 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (D) 44. (A)
From Session 9 and Daniel 9
(D) 47. (B) 49. (A)
(D) 48. (B) 50. (C)
From Session 10 and Daniel 10
(C) 52. (A) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (D)
From Session 11 and Daniel 11
(A) 57. (B) 58. (D)
From Session 12 and Daniel 12
59. (B) 60. (C)
Final Exam
Answer Key
From Session 1 and Daniel 1
1. (A) 3. (D) 5. (B) 7. (C) 9. (D)
2. (C) 4. (B) 6. (A) 8. (A) 10. (B)
From Session 2 and Daniel 2
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D)
From Session 3 and Daniel 3
15. (C) 17. (A) 19. (D)
16. (D) 18. (B) 20. (A)
From Session 4 and Daniel 4
(D) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (C)
From Session 5 and Daniel 5
(C) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A)
From Session 6 and Daniel 6
(B) 31. (A) 32. (C)
From Session 7 and Daniel 7
(D) 35. (A) 37. (A) 39. (B)
(B) 36. (A) 38. (C)
From Session 8 and Daniel 8
(D) 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (D) 44. (A)
From Session 9 and Daniel 9
(D) 47. (B) 49. (A)
(D) 48. (B) 50. (C)
From Session 10 and Daniel 10
(C) 52. (A) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (D)
From Session 11 and Daniel 11
(A) 57. (B) 58. (D)
From Session 12 and Daniel 12
59. (B) 60. (C)
Session 12 - Daniel
I can’t believe twelve weeks have come and gone. What a testament to how quickly life passes! Twelve weeks of our lives we will never relive. Twelve weeks of our lives gone. Although I can’t help but look back and wish I had done many things differently, I am grateful that the time I spent in the study of God’s Word was an investment in eternity. Let’s not waste our lives girls. This is our one pass through. Let’s make it count.
This week, we’ll take our group discussion question from Day 4 of our homework. If a friend asked you what you’ve learned during the course of this study, and you could only answer in a few phrases or sentences, what would you say?
I hope, like me, it would be difficult for you to summarize what you’ve learned in only a few sentences. I learned so much that I’m still processing a lot of it. But if, for whatever reason, I were forced to summarize what I’ve learned in only a few phrases, I guess I would say I learned that God is in control. He never sits by and allows anything to haphazardly happen to those who fear Him and walk according to His way. We can trust Him. And Daniel has taught me to trust Him all the more.
This week, we’ll be watching video session twelve, entitled, “Go Your Way.” Below is the link for video session 12. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 234 and 235 of your workbook.
After you watch the video, please take time to complete the Final Exam on pages 236-239 of your workbook. I will post the answers to this exam on a separate discussion thread.
It has been a blessing to study along with you.
God bless you, Amy
This week, we’ll take our group discussion question from Day 4 of our homework. If a friend asked you what you’ve learned during the course of this study, and you could only answer in a few phrases or sentences, what would you say?
I hope, like me, it would be difficult for you to summarize what you’ve learned in only a few sentences. I learned so much that I’m still processing a lot of it. But if, for whatever reason, I were forced to summarize what I’ve learned in only a few phrases, I guess I would say I learned that God is in control. He never sits by and allows anything to haphazardly happen to those who fear Him and walk according to His way. We can trust Him. And Daniel has taught me to trust Him all the more.
This week, we’ll be watching video session twelve, entitled, “Go Your Way.” Below is the link for video session 12. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 234 and 235 of your workbook.
After you watch the video, please take time to complete the Final Exam on pages 236-239 of your workbook. I will post the answers to this exam on a separate discussion thread.
It has been a blessing to study along with you.
God bless you, Amy
Session 12 - Daniel
I can’t believe twelve weeks have come and gone. What a testament to how quickly life passes! Twelve weeks of our lives we will never relive. Twelve weeks of our lives gone. Although I can’t help but look back and wish I had done many things differently, I am grateful that the time I spent in the study of God’s Word was an investment in eternity. Let’s not waste our lives girls. This is our one pass through. Let’s make it count.
This week, we’ll take our group discussion question from Day 4 of our homework. If a friend asked you what you’ve learned during the course of this study, and you could only answer in a few phrases or sentences, what would you say?
I hope, like me, it would be difficult for you to summarize what you’ve learned in only a few sentences. I learned so much that I’m still processing a lot of it. But if, for whatever reason, I were forced to summarize what I’ve learned in only a few phrases, I guess I would say I learned that God is in control. He never sits by and allows anything to haphazardly happen to those who fear Him and walk according to His way. We can trust Him. And Daniel has taught me to trust Him all the more.
This week, we’ll be watching video session twelve, entitled, “Go Your Way.” Below is the link for video session 12. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 234 and 235 of your workbook.
After you watch the video, please take time to complete the Final Exam on pages 236-239 of your workbook. I will post the answers to this exam on a separate discussion thread.
It has been a blessing to study along with you.
God bless you, Amy
This week, we’ll take our group discussion question from Day 4 of our homework. If a friend asked you what you’ve learned during the course of this study, and you could only answer in a few phrases or sentences, what would you say?
I hope, like me, it would be difficult for you to summarize what you’ve learned in only a few sentences. I learned so much that I’m still processing a lot of it. But if, for whatever reason, I were forced to summarize what I’ve learned in only a few phrases, I guess I would say I learned that God is in control. He never sits by and allows anything to haphazardly happen to those who fear Him and walk according to His way. We can trust Him. And Daniel has taught me to trust Him all the more.
This week, we’ll be watching video session twelve, entitled, “Go Your Way.” Below is the link for video session 12. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 234 and 235 of your workbook.
After you watch the video, please take time to complete the Final Exam on pages 236-239 of your workbook. I will post the answers to this exam on a separate discussion thread.
It has been a blessing to study along with you.
God bless you, Amy
Friday, June 25, 2010
Session 11 - Daniel
Well, we’ve made it to week eleven of our current study of the book of Daniel. We’re coming up on our LAST week of homework - I can’t believe it!
On page 205 of our homework this past week, Beth shared the following thoughts: “Beloved, I don’t just take God at His word because people to me to. God didn’t give us a brain so we’d be ridiculously gullible. God said, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isa. 1:18, emphasis mine). Reasonable people can believe God and take Him at His Word because God has proved believable. Yes, we walk by faith, but we stand on fact... We believe because God has proved Himself believable.” She then asked us to give the following question (which is our discussion question of the week) some thought:
What would you consider to be the key to your own personal trust in God?
I don’t think I’m alone in admitting that I sometimes struggle with doubts. But for me, at the end of the day, the key to my own personal trust in God can be summarized best by Joshua 23:14, “you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” What I know is this: I only live, I am only truly living, when I live my life to bring God glory, when I walk according to His ways. In every way that He has directed me in my life, God has never (not once) given me bad advice, wrong directions, or set me on a bad course. Whenever I have set my heart to do His will, I have walked the path of life. Psalm 119: 92-93 puts it this way, “Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them You have given me life.” He gives me life. Not just eternal life, but abundant life. Just like He promised He would (John 10:10). He keeps His promises. And, for me, that’s the key.
This week, we’ll be watching video session eleven, entitled, “Kings in Succession.” Below is the link for video session 11. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 212 and 213 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
On page 205 of our homework this past week, Beth shared the following thoughts: “Beloved, I don’t just take God at His word because people to me to. God didn’t give us a brain so we’d be ridiculously gullible. God said, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isa. 1:18, emphasis mine). Reasonable people can believe God and take Him at His Word because God has proved believable. Yes, we walk by faith, but we stand on fact... We believe because God has proved Himself believable.” She then asked us to give the following question (which is our discussion question of the week) some thought:
What would you consider to be the key to your own personal trust in God?
I don’t think I’m alone in admitting that I sometimes struggle with doubts. But for me, at the end of the day, the key to my own personal trust in God can be summarized best by Joshua 23:14, “you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” What I know is this: I only live, I am only truly living, when I live my life to bring God glory, when I walk according to His ways. In every way that He has directed me in my life, God has never (not once) given me bad advice, wrong directions, or set me on a bad course. Whenever I have set my heart to do His will, I have walked the path of life. Psalm 119: 92-93 puts it this way, “Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them You have given me life.” He gives me life. Not just eternal life, but abundant life. Just like He promised He would (John 10:10). He keeps His promises. And, for me, that’s the key.
This week, we’ll be watching video session eleven, entitled, “Kings in Succession.” Below is the link for video session 11. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 212 and 213 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
Session 11 - Daniel
Well, we’ve made it to week eleven of our current study of the book of Daniel. We’re coming up on our LAST week of homework - I can’t believe it!
On page 205 of our homework this past week, Beth shared the following thoughts: “Beloved, I don’t just take God at His word because people to me to. God didn’t give us a brain so we’d be ridiculously gullible. God said, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isa. 1:18, emphasis mine). Reasonable people can believe God and take Him at His Word because God has proved believable. Yes, we walk by faith, but we stand on fact... We believe because God has proved Himself believable.” She then asked us to give the following question (which is our discussion question of the week) some thought:
What would you consider to be the key to your own personal trust in God?
I don’t think I’m alone in admitting that I sometimes struggle with doubts. But for me, at the end of the day, the key to my own personal trust in God can be summarized best by Joshua 23:14, “you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” What I know is this: I only live, I am only truly living, when I live my life to bring God glory, when I walk according to His ways. In every way that He has directed me in my life, God has never (not once) given me bad advice, wrong directions, or set me on a bad course. Whenever I have set my heart to do His will, I have walked the path of life. Psalm 119: 92-93 puts it this way, “Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them You have given me life.” He gives me life. Not just eternal life, but abundant life. Just like He promised He would (John 10:10). He keeps His promises. And, for me, that’s the key.
This week, we’ll be watching video session eleven, entitled, “Kings in Succession.” Below is the link for video session 11. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 212 and 213 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
On page 205 of our homework this past week, Beth shared the following thoughts: “Beloved, I don’t just take God at His word because people to me to. God didn’t give us a brain so we’d be ridiculously gullible. God said, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isa. 1:18, emphasis mine). Reasonable people can believe God and take Him at His Word because God has proved believable. Yes, we walk by faith, but we stand on fact... We believe because God has proved Himself believable.” She then asked us to give the following question (which is our discussion question of the week) some thought:
What would you consider to be the key to your own personal trust in God?
I don’t think I’m alone in admitting that I sometimes struggle with doubts. But for me, at the end of the day, the key to my own personal trust in God can be summarized best by Joshua 23:14, “you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” What I know is this: I only live, I am only truly living, when I live my life to bring God glory, when I walk according to His ways. In every way that He has directed me in my life, God has never (not once) given me bad advice, wrong directions, or set me on a bad course. Whenever I have set my heart to do His will, I have walked the path of life. Psalm 119: 92-93 puts it this way, “Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them You have given me life.” He gives me life. Not just eternal life, but abundant life. Just like He promised He would (John 10:10). He keeps His promises. And, for me, that’s the key.
This week, we’ll be watching video session eleven, entitled, “Kings in Succession.” Below is the link for video session 11. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 212 and 213 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
Friday, June 18, 2010
Session 10 - Daniel
It is week TEN of our current study on Daniel. Time certainly flies, doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday that we started this study. Now, we only have two weeks left. Let’s finish these last two weeks strong, shall we?
This past week, the major focus of our homework was Bible study and prayer. Indeed, we learned that reading the Bible should prompt us to act, and our actions should include prayer. According to Daniel 9:2-3, Daniel’s understanding of the times (through the reading of the word of the LORD) prompted Daniel to “set [his] face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.”
We should likewise strive to understand the times in which we live by reading the Bible and then seeking God through prayer. However, as Beth rightly pointed out, “We are so culturally indoctrinated to be fast-paced, high-energy, hands-on kinds of people that we tend to think of prayer as a passive, nearly ‘do-nothing’ reaction.” But as we saw in Daniel chapter 9, nothing is further from the truth.
On page 183 of our homework Beth asked the following questions, both of which we will consider for discussion this week:
In all honesty and in this season of your life, how convinced are you that your prayers matter?
What recent experiences-whether negative or positive-have caused you to come to this conclusion?
Without getting too personal, try to give a sincere answer to these questions. As usual, I’ll go first. In all honesty in this season of my life, I am almost entirely convinced that my prayers matter. I say “almost entirely” because (to be completely honest) I confess that I have some level of doubt. That minimal doubt, however, is far, far outweighed by my conviction that prayer is both powerful and effective (James 5:16).
In response to question two, I have had many recent experiences that have built my faith on the issue of prayer. Almost all of these examples are near impossible to explain in writing. There was, however, one prayer-one very specific prayer-that was recently answered miraculously. I’m sorry to report that the specifics of this prayer are very personal, so I will not give intricate details. But I will tell you that I believe the answer to this prayer was a miracle. Could it have been a coincidence? I won’t lie. I’ve had that thought. I’ve even wondered if I’m crazy on some level. But in the core of who I am, I know it was not a coincidence. I know I am not crazy. I know that prayer matters.
This week, we’ll be watching video session ten, entitled, “Speechless.” Below is the link for video session 10. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 192 and 193 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
This past week, the major focus of our homework was Bible study and prayer. Indeed, we learned that reading the Bible should prompt us to act, and our actions should include prayer. According to Daniel 9:2-3, Daniel’s understanding of the times (through the reading of the word of the LORD) prompted Daniel to “set [his] face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.”
We should likewise strive to understand the times in which we live by reading the Bible and then seeking God through prayer. However, as Beth rightly pointed out, “We are so culturally indoctrinated to be fast-paced, high-energy, hands-on kinds of people that we tend to think of prayer as a passive, nearly ‘do-nothing’ reaction.” But as we saw in Daniel chapter 9, nothing is further from the truth.
On page 183 of our homework Beth asked the following questions, both of which we will consider for discussion this week:
In all honesty and in this season of your life, how convinced are you that your prayers matter?
What recent experiences-whether negative or positive-have caused you to come to this conclusion?
Without getting too personal, try to give a sincere answer to these questions. As usual, I’ll go first. In all honesty in this season of my life, I am almost entirely convinced that my prayers matter. I say “almost entirely” because (to be completely honest) I confess that I have some level of doubt. That minimal doubt, however, is far, far outweighed by my conviction that prayer is both powerful and effective (James 5:16).
In response to question two, I have had many recent experiences that have built my faith on the issue of prayer. Almost all of these examples are near impossible to explain in writing. There was, however, one prayer-one very specific prayer-that was recently answered miraculously. I’m sorry to report that the specifics of this prayer are very personal, so I will not give intricate details. But I will tell you that I believe the answer to this prayer was a miracle. Could it have been a coincidence? I won’t lie. I’ve had that thought. I’ve even wondered if I’m crazy on some level. But in the core of who I am, I know it was not a coincidence. I know I am not crazy. I know that prayer matters.
This week, we’ll be watching video session ten, entitled, “Speechless.” Below is the link for video session 10. The corresponding viewer guide is on pages 192 and 193 of your workbook.
Please post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.
Do your homework, and don’t forget your commitment to LEARN!
Your friend, Amy
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