Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not a Fan - Chapters 12, 13 & 14

Well ladies, we've done it.  We've finished reading the book.  But before we put it on a bookshelf, let's take time to consider the final three chapters.  Our contributor this week is Kandi Tucker.  And if you don't know Kandi, you're new.  I type that with a smile because Kandi is probably the most welcoming person I've met at church.  Thus, she is very well-known.  Kandi makes every possible effort to ensure that each person she meets is included and loved.  She remembers people's names, she invites them to get involved, she checks in when no else is checking, she serves when no one knows she's serving.  Kandi loves on so many of us, and she is very much loved by us in return.  So if you haven't "met" her already, you are long overdue.  I am happy to introduce Kandi:  
“What would your life look like if you followed Jesus completely?  No excuses.  Wherever. Whenever. Whatever.”This sentence pretty much summed up Not a Fan to me.  Let me begin by giving a quick definition of the wherever, whenever, and whatever:
  1. Wherever – Following Jesus out of our comfort level.  Kyle asks, “Where is the one place that you find most difficult to follow Jesus?”
  1. Whenever – Immediate obedience. Following Jesus
  2. right now!  No excuses!
  1. Whatever – Giving Jesus every part of my life.  Making Jesus the only priority of my life.
Am I the only one a bit intimidated by this list when it’s laid out in black and white?!?!  No excuses?  What about my kids waking up at all hours of the night so I’m too tired to pick up my Bible in the morning…  What about letting other people reach out to that person that I don’t seem to have much in common with…  What about those hours I spend on the computer each night…  I can’t speak for anyone else, but my life certainly needed this reminder by Kyle to follow Jesus completely.  Let me start by giving anyone reading this a little history. 
I grew up in the jungle in Asia with parents who gave up material and relational comforts to serve God.  Two of my siblings currently live in extremely uncomfortable environments touching lives for Jesus in Southeast Asia.  In my mind, following Jesus meant some type of direct ministry or a huge sacrifice of comfort and family.  Thus, for years I’ve battled guilt for my materially comfortable existence, living the “American Dream.”  Oh, I’ve been able to go on some fantastic vacations and buy some beautiful clothes for my kids, but it would all seem meaningless afterwards. It was all so superficial and empty to my heart that wanted to do bigger and better things.   At the same time, I felt so helpless since I didn’t know how to change anything.  I couldn’t exactly leave my kids to go on a missions trip for a week or open my home to foster children without my husband’s blessing.  To solve this battle in my heart, I just kept telling myself that I would do it all later when my kids were older. 
God has used the past year to show me that while I was always thinking big and looking ahead to what I could do for God in the future, I was neglecting following Jesus completely in my day-to-day existence. God cared about what I was doing with my time today and about how close of a relationship we had with each other.  He has used a variety of events and people to show me that living here in New Jersey with my little family cleaning bathrooms and teaching my children to love Jesus has value to Him.  In the process, I’ve discovered that dying to my ambitions and choosing to live a life devoted to Jesus each and every day isn’t easy. However, God has given me so much peace, joy, and contentment in my current circumstances that I know He will continue to do so in the future.  This is why I was challenged by these last three chapters.  Once again, they forced me to examine my personal relationship with Jesus and whether I could honestly say that I am following Jesus completely today.  Not tomorrow or the next year, but today! 
I think it would be encouraging for those reading this post to share our wherever, whenever, and whatever’s with each other.  How are you, right now, stepping out of your comfort zone by making Jesus the ONLY priority of your life?  Here are a few of mine: 
-Picking up my Bible to read instead of the computer.-Turning off the television to pray-Serving my family without consideration of whether I am being served in return.-Continuing to pursue relationships with women in my community without fear of rejection.-Choosing to remain content daily with the distance that we live from family.-Rather than purchasing the latest fad, use my money to bless other people. 
These are all things I’m currently working on with some days containing more victory than others.  Don’t they all sound so basic?!?!  Whew!  I’m thankful today that I can be a slave to Jesus even while living this simple life that he has put before me.  
Okay, ladies, so this is our final "Not a Fan" blog question.  How are you, right now, stepping out of your comfort zone by making Jesus the ONLY priority in your life?  Boom!  I guess Kandi didn't want to let us off easy on our final question, huh?  Ha - but no, in all seriousness, let's consider this.  How are we stepping out of our comfort zones RIGHT NOW?  Don't wimp out on us now.  Let's hear it!  

And thanks for a great book study, everyone - it's been fun :)  xo!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not a Fan - Chapters 10 & 11

Welcome back ladies.  I can't believe we are so close to the end of our book study!  Our contributor this week is Stephanie Brunges.  For many of you, this is a new name, so I am very happy to have the privilege of introducing you to Stephanie this week.  Stephanie's story is so exciting because it's one in which you can striaght-up see God at work.  As Stephanie shares today, God has used so many things in her life to continually draw her to Himself.  Stephanie's desire to grow in her relationship with the Lord, her freedom to be honest, her security through vulnerability, her willingness to serve, her desire to learn - all of this is a testimony to the work of the Most High.  So let's give God glory for what He's doing in Stephanie's life, and in all of our lives, as we consider together the truths Stephanie shares here:
Deny – a total surrender.  Wow, now I know why my faith faltered in high school.  I think at some point in all of our lives we have been selfish.  While I wasn’t a cruel person I always lived for myself.  If someone gave me the choice to follow Jesus or keep my stuff, I was totally keeping my stuff.  In hind sight I really didn’t have much.  But I was broken, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and my step brother went to jail.  So after that I denied myself nothing.  As Kyle said I called myself a Christian but I wasn’t following Christ. But isn’t it amazing how there is some spark, something that makes you open your eyes and say “I was wrong, God hasn’t given me more than I can handle.”  Because of my challenges I have grown to the person I am today.    
Out of sin came my best blessing, it was Christ’s way of calling me back to him.  I really struggled with what to write, (prayed a lot on this one) but I figured it would be better to be honest.  My husband and I were engaged when I found out I was pregnant with Aiden.  Telling my father was the worst part.  He had just suffered his 3rd heart attack and I honestly thought this would kill him.  He looked at me and said, “I never thought I would live to see grandchildren.”  As I sat there crying he told me I had to turn my life around, I could no longer be selfish.  Four years later my son looks at me and says “Mom, I want to go to God’s place,” how could I deny him that?  I have thrown myself into Bible study, children’s bibles, books and pod casts.  While it is hard to deny everything in my life (still a work in progress) I have never been happier.   We think that by denying ourselves we will miss out, but just the opposite is true. 

Aiden went to church with a friend of mine on Sunday and he asked me afterwards what sacrifice meant.  I looked it up on the internet and tried to “kid it down” a bit, I told him to sacrifice something was to deny yourself something desired or wanted for the greater good.  He looks over at me and says “so if Riley cries that he wants my Legos, I should just give them to him because it will make him happy and he will stop crying?” I thought it was a good analogy for a 5 year old; ok he seemed to get it.  Then Aiden looks up at me and starts crying but they are my Legos!!!!  It is hard for anyone to make sacrifices.  I pulled a couple questions off the computer that I thought were pretty good. Do you compartmentalize what you give God access to?  Do you refuse to deny yourself from certain worldly things?  
I am actually re reading chapter 11 just to absorb as much as I can.  I have tossed and turned trying to figure out for myself what to die daily actually means.  I am sure there is so much more to it but I came up with this; To die daily, then, is to hold this world with a loose hand and to look upon worldly things, as frivolous joys.  

Wow.  So, Stephanie has made some great observations and has asked some really good questions - hasn't she?  Do you compartmentalize what you give God access to?  Do you refuse to deny yourself from certain worldly things?   Or how about this - what does dying daily actually look like in your life?  As you consider these questions, and other things God is teaching you, take time to make a responsive comment.  Then check back throughout the week to read other members comments and questions.

This week (our LAST week!) we'll be reading the final three chapters of the book: Chapters 12, 13 & 14.  Then, next Wednesday, June 20th, we'll hear from our final blog contributor, Kandi Tucker.

We will also be meeting together for a closing meeting at 9 am on June 20th at Kathy Cortner's home.  Please plan to attend this meeting (even if you didn't attend our introduction meeting, even if you weren't able to post comments every week, and even if you haven't completed the book yet).  I hope to see all of you there!

Childcare for this meeting will again be provided.  But please note, if you plan to attend with children, please e-mail me right away with the names and ages of the children who will need care.  Since schools are letting out for summer break, we want to make sure we have enough childcare on the 20th.

Okay, so that's it (for now)!  Let's get back to our reading this week in Chapters 10 & 11.  Recall again the questions Stephanie posed, and those things that God is teaching you.  Thoughts?  Questions?  Challenges?  Encouragement?  Go!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not a Fan - Chapters 8 & 9

Have you ever met someone you just connected with right off?  Laura Camp is one of those people in my life.  I just really like her.  She is one of the most intelligent and talented people that I know.  But that’s not why she has my heart.  From day one, Laura has kept it real with me.  Sure, she has got it going on, but she is a real woman with real struggles, and she’s not afraid to be real about them.  And my favorite part?  She loves Jesus.  Ahhhhhh.  That is like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it?  So breathe deep sisters.  Laura has something to say...
Anyone means Everyone 
In Chapter 8, Kyle went back and forth between his daughter Morgan’s nail polish stain story and that of Matthew the tax collector.  I loved seeing these stories side by side. He writes: 

Most of us are hiding some stains. Our worst fear is that someone will flip the cushion over and discover what we’ve tried to hide.  
Morgan asked, “Do you still love me?” My wife knelt down beside her on the floor, and she whispered to our daughter, “Morgan, you could never make a big enough stain to keep me from loving you.” I wish I could tell you that somehow we were able to get the stain out and make the couch white again . . .  but that stain is still there.  It will always be there. But a funny thing happened.  Morgan started telling the story of the stained white couch.  She liked to show people the stain and tell them what happened. Why?  Because a stain that once represented shame and guilt and fear of rejection, now represents love grace and acceptance.” 
Wow.  What a beautiful story.  What if we were to rejoice in our stains and the grace and forgiveness we received like Morgan did with her stained cushion?  . . .  The way that Matthew – the tax collector – did?  What would that look like in the church of 2012?  How would we act differently if our stains – that once represented shame, guilt, and fear of rejection – now represented love grace and acceptance? 
I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ as my Savior at a young age.  But I have stains.  We all do.  Maybe we hesitate to share our junk because we still feel plagued by it at times.  We can’t celebrate the victory from sin and the forgiveness from the “stain” because we don’t feel victory yet – we are still struggling.  Maybe we fear that if anyone knew our “stain,” it would discredit us in our ministry, that we would in some way make God look bad – de-fame the name of Christ.   
But it is actually quite the opposite.  When I hear another sister tell her story, when I hear her struggles, when I hear how God is growing her and teaching her, I am drawn TO her as a friend and fall more in love with our Great God.  I think, “Thank God that I am not the only one struggling!”  
I was so encouraged by Bill and Brenda Antinore from Seeds of Hope who came to speak at Bethel this past Sunday.  What a powerful testimony!  I loved how they kept saying “this is the best part” and then went on to describe what God saved them from – drug addictions, theft, jail time, failing marriage.  They dealt with the “biggies,” and I was so incredibly BLESSED and moved by their desire to be transparent – for God’s Glory!  (If you missed Sunday or want to learn more about the great work they are doing in Camden . . . check out their website ) 
If we as women were brave enough to let down our walls; to confess our sins one to another (James 5:16 ); to pray continually for one another  (I Thess. 5:17);   I think our worlds would be ROCKED, our community turned upside-down; and our passion for Christ ever DEEPENED. 
Which brings us to chapter 9. Come after me – a passionate pursuit.  Kyle writes, “So what do you do if you’re a fan who wants to be a follower but your heart just  isn’t in it? You want to come after Christ with a passionate pursuit, but the truth is you feel apathetic and indifferent. You don’t want to feel that way, but you do.”
I mentioned earlier that I grew up in a Christian home.  I believed God at a young age and have always desired to serve Him and live for Him.  However, I have never known any other way.  I am challenged reading this book because I can almost more readily relate with the Sadducees and Pharisees and their desire to study and follow the law then I can relate to someone whose world has been rescued from sexual sin, or drug addiction, or illegal pursuits . . .you know, the “biggies” etc.  I feel like my stains are more like that of the Pharisees – and Jesus did not speak too kindly or deal too gently with them.   
But I have struggled (even very recently) with what Kyle describes above.  Spiritual acedia.  “Losing that loving feeling.”  Apathy.  I find it hard to remember what it felt like when I first came to Christ because I was 5! I don’t remember much about last week . . . let alone Kindergarten!  I struggle to feel the freedom to admit that the passion isn’t always there. I fear I will be judged.  I fear my struggle will discredit the music ministry God wants to do at Bethel.  I feel no one will believe me and will always wonder if I am dealing with a “dry spell.” I fear I will be an embarrassment.    Bottom line – I fear man.   
So, I am bravely stepping out in faith and making a bold move of bragging about my stain so that God will be glorified.  I have struggled to “feel” connected to God.  Sometimes I feel more connected to my kids’ schedules, my “to-do” list, to the family’s responsibilities, etc.   
But I know this.  God is bringing me out of the apathy.  He is faithfully showing himself to me.  He is making me aware of His constant pursuit of me.  He is awakening my heart in worship.  He is drawing me to His Word in a fresh way.  His is igniting in me a DESIRE to pray.  I am falling more in love with Him . . . and I am so thankful.  I pray it continues.  I know it will.  Because . . . “He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.” (Phil 1:6) 
So Ladies, let’s continue to be real with one another.  I have loved this blog format.  I pray that we will continue to “come after” Christ in a passionate and real way.  We are all works in progress, but all the more glory to God!  He is working in great ways – making us more like Him!
Well said!  Let's continue to be real.  Reflect on what God is teaching you, and post your own comment.  Again, this can be in response to something Laura wrote, something else you read in Chapters 8 & 9, a question, an encouragement to another member, anything you like.  Whatever you want to write, I hope you feel freedom to write it.  You are loved here.  

Next, we'll be reading Chapters 10 & 11.  Be sure to check back throughout the week to read and respond to other members' comments and questions.  Then check back again next Wednesday to hear from our next contributor, Stephanie Brunges! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not a Fan - Chapters 6 & 7

Hey there, I'm so glad you stopped by this week!  Lee Anne Dyer is our contributor this time and (by the power of the Holy Spirit!) she has written a very authentic and challenging post.  For those of you who don't know Lee Anne, she is the wife of Justin Dyer (the worship leader at our home church, Bethel Baptist Church in Cherry Hill, NJ) and the mom of three young children.  Lee Anne has a serious desire to please the Lord, to raise children who love the Lord, and to edify the body of Christ.  Suffice it to say, (by the power of the Holy Spirit!), Lee Anne is a rockstar!  I am so thankful for her willingness to serve the Lord (and all of us) through her post this week.  
So with that, I give you Lee Anne:
“By the power of the Holy Spirit…” (page 98).  
Did any of you try to complete that sentence from chapter 5?  
After I read the sentences people had posted on Kyle’s Facebook wall, I was a little intimidated. So I started small. “By the power of the Holy Spirit, I didn’t yell at my eight year old this morning when he was S-L-O-W once again in getting his shoes on for school.” (Trust me that was ALL the Holy Spirit!). “By the power of the Holy Spirit I was genuinely happy for a family member who won an all- expense paid trip to Mexico” (SO could have been jealous). “By the power of the Holy Spirit I have forgiven an individual who said some very hurtful things to my husband.” (Satan tries to bring those thoughts back at the worst times, but the Holy Spirit can have victory EVERY time!) It was actually a very exciting exercise to revisit the times that the Holy Spirit has done things in my life that I could have completely messed up in my own strength! Of course, I could make a list of those messy times too, so I am thankful Kyle didn’t ask for that! WHEW! 
Kyle quoted the part of Galatians 5:25 that says:  
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit”. 
 For me, as a young mom, I take a LOT of steps each day! That means I need a LOT of the Spirit!! I found it very telling to look back at my responses to “By the power of the Holy Spirit...” and see if my responses where from last month, last week, or recent days. Kyle says “You can’t live by the Spirit if you only acknowledge his presence once a week when you come to church.” Oh boy. I need Spirit help for that Every. Single. Day! 
As if that is not enough to keep us on our faces before God asking for continuous power, we move to Chapter 6. Kyle says on page 104: “A belief is more than what we say.” This takes me back to 8th grade. I am thankful there is no room for pictures on this blog because my 8th grade picture would have you all turning off your screens! One of my teachers, Mr. Tom Horton, used to say at least once a day, “Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.” Read that again if you need to. Get it? We can’t claim to have faith in Christ if our lives don’t back it up COMPLETELY.  
Kyle refers us to Hebrews 11. He says on page 106, “Faith should have a story attached to it.” I would take that a step further, and say faith should have an ongoing story attached to it. Day after day, moment after moment, ALL or NOTHING. This brings us full circle. We are only capable of this with the complete strength from the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord, for providing a way to follow you that does not rely on ME! 
No pressure, but I thought it would be encouraging if, in our responses this week, we shared at least one sentence that starts with “By the power of the Holy Spirit…” Maybe you haven’t commented yet -this could be your week! I am excited to hear how the Holy Spirit is/has been at work. If you are coming up blank, I have a simple solution: Ask God. He gives freely!
Okay, so I love this idea.  Let's do it!  "By the power of the Holy Spirit..." Go!  Let's give our God glory for what He's done and what He's doing in our lives.  Lee Anne said it perfectly, so I'm just going to repeat her: 
Maybe you haven’t commented yet -this could be your week! I am excited to hear how the Holy Spirit is/has been at work. If you are coming up blank, I have a simple solution: Ask God. He gives freely!
Okay?  So that's it (for now).  Check back throughout the week to read and respond to other members' comments and questions.  Then check back again next Wednesday to hear from our next contributor, Laura Camp!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Not a Fan - Chapters 4 & 5

Welcome back everyone!  Believe it or not, we are another week into our reading of Kyle Idleman's book, "Not a Fan."  

This week's contributor is Kristen Cortner, and I am so excited to share her honest and encouraging post with you.  For those of you who don't know Kristen, she is the beloved wife of our Associate/Youth Pastor, Brady Cortner, and the daughter-in-law of our Senior Pastor and his wife, Kathy.  Kristen is a real friend, and a very real person.  To know Kristen is to love her.  So, with much love, I give you Kristen:
“Jesus won’t share you with another lover (pg. 63).” Well, if that statement doesn’t make you sit up and think you may as well put the book down right now. “Divided affection” is how it was described, harmless enough, then Kyle went on to quote part of Ezekiel 16 which gives us a lot of insight as to how God views this “divided affection.” If you haven’t yet, take a few minutes and read the entire chapter and be prepared to feel’s scandalous so hold on to your britches!  
Earlier on that same page Kyle describes fans as those that “keep a couch on their hearts and, at the most, give Jesus a cushion.” Sometimes it takes word pictures like that to put things in perspective for me...I imagine Jesus there stuck between my family and friends, getting crowded out. Or him sitting between my tv and computer feeling the squeeze wishing I would give him the same time and attention I give to everything on the waiting room couch...feeling rejected, ignored, replaced. I wonder what other things God has given me that I use to betray him every day.  
Conviction. Ugh...sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. Jesus wants me, but he doesn’t want half of me. He desires me. He fights for me...but am I willing to fight for him? I’d fight to the death for my children and my husband. I’d sacrifice everything in my life for the sake of them! However, if I’m not willing to fight myself and my selfish desires for Christ, I’ll certainly not be willing to fight for him if it begins to really cost me something. 
Then we hit chapter five. Soon I learned that not only am I an adulterer, I’m also a Sadducee (pg. 71)! I was born into “faith.” Raised in a christian home with godly parents religion is something I’ve always had. It’s been relatively easy to live the “christian” life and do (or not do) the appropriate “christian” things.The question is...was/am I doing these things out of routine or is it out of the love I have for God? Is my lifestyle out of desiring to give God glory or simply because it’s just the way it’s always been done? Is my way of life simply “for show (Matt. 23:5)” as Jesus saw with the religious leaders? Am I so focused on the do’s and don’ts of the Christian life that I forget what that life is really about? Difficult questions to ponder...but here is the good stuff...”It’s interesting to note that as severe as Jesus was with these religious leaders he is just as tender and encouraging to those who have genuinely given him their hearts, even if they don’t have it all together on the outside. Please don’t miss this: Jesus doesn’t expect followers to be perfect, but he does call them to be authentic (pg 74).” Authentic huh? How do we know if we are truly authentic in our attitude toward God? Page 77 hits it...“obedience to God comes from the inside out. Submission to what God wants for our lives flows NATURALLY out of that relationship...what we do or don’t do must come from who we are as followers of Jesus.” Does my relationship with Christ lead me to natural submission 
I so enjoy the questions these chapters leave me with...even if they’re a bit convicting. I know I need to be constantly reminded of who I am and how easily I fall into the easy way of doing things instead of making sure that what I am doing is motivated by my love for Christ.

"Conviction.  Ugh...sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it."  Kristen cracks me up.  But in all seriousness, I think we all can relate.  As you think about what God is teaching you, please take time to post your own comment.  Your comment can be in response to something Kristen has shared and/or something else that you read in Chapters 4-5.  

Also, the comments being exchanged between members have been wonderful to see.  If you haven't checked in on the comments of the fellow-members of this group, you're missing out!  Click on the "comments" section at the bottom of each post to read what other members are saying, and I promise you'll be encouraged.  

So that's it for now.  This week, we'll be reading Chapters 6-7.  Be sure to check back next Wednesday to hear from Lee Anne Dyer!   In the meantime, happy reading!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not A Fan - Chapters 1 through 3

Hey Ladies, 
So how was your first week?  Is everyone being challenged and encouraged to FOLLOW Jesus completely?  
Our contributor this week is Lynne Braatz.  For those of you who don't know Lynne, she is a Jesus-loving, Jesus-serving, godly example to many of the women in our church.  I have so much love and respect for Lynne, and appreciate her willingness to serve Jesus (and all of us) by offering her contribution to the blog today.
So, without further ado, I give you Lynne Braatz:
Because of my commitment to do this week’s blog before all of you... I have made it a point to really digest all Kyle has written down.  He makes me chuckle, then pricks my heart.  ~ Jerry and I have been on the road quite a lot lately and as a result much of my reading has been done with him not too far away.  Moved by Kyle’s way with words, I have read many paragraphs out loud.  It has made for lots of contemplation and healthy  conversation between us.  Jerry is a good balancer for me.  I hope you have someone close enough to help you remain objective as you attempt to self evaluate... May God help us see ourselves as He sees us.  May we not miss the loving challenges intended to spur us on into becoming more than we ever dreamed.   
Along with my book, I purchased the “follower’s journal”.  It really is very good and has led me into knowing how to be more creative when I’m alone with Jesus.  I recommend it highly.  
What stood out to you from Lesson 1?  
Without a doubt, I can tell you it was when we were encouraged to go to the back of that coffee shop and Jesus comes in and sits down with us for that “DTR” (define the relationship) talk.  Yikes, I was nervous. I would think I should have been excited, but I felt awkward.  Made me think. ~ My truly intimate times with Jesus are daily when I am deep in trouble, but in blessing, sadly not as frequent.  Hmm, too much blessing lately... and not enough challenge.  
What about the statement, “Following Jesus will cost you something.”  When we were  asked us to jot down what following Jesus had cost us, I was blank!  I have given Him my whole life... but practically and daily ???  
I loved the way Kyle distinguished between “knowing about Jesus” and “intimacy” with Him.  Perhaps if my “intimacy” times remained daily, my spaces would not have been blank.  
Oh how I want Him to “interfere” with my life every day... and this takes me to the third and final point I will blog.  May those of us who love Jesus, never be guilty of “selling Him” again... With each opportunity God gives me, I want to be so clear in the in the message I bear, “There is no forgiveness without repentance; no salvation without surrender; no life without death; and no believing without committing.”  He who loses his life will find it!!  ~ May I never sell anyone short again, so help me God. 
Thanks for listening... :) 
Love, Lynne 
Challenging stuff, right?  Lynne talked about several things: (1) the DTR moment in our relationship with Jesus; (2) the fact that following Jesus will cost you something; (3) the difference between knowing ABOUT Jesus and knowing Jesus intimately; and (4) our propensity to “sell Jesus.”  
If you have committed to following along with us, please share a comment in response to Lynne's thoughts and/or something else that you read in Chapters 1-3.  You are also encouraged to respond to the comments of other members, especially if you see that another member has asked a question.  Since we are not physically meeting together each week, let this blog serve a "meeting place" to exchange thoughts, challenge and encourage one another.  Also, remember to pray for one another as we read through this book together.  
This week, we'll be reading Chapters 4-5.  Be sure to check back next Wednesday to hear from Kristen Cortner!  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Welcome to NOT A FAN :)

Welcome to Week ONE of our online book club.  Today we begin Kyle Idleman’s book, “Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus.”  If you haven’t already, stop now, and read through the prologue of the book (pages 11 through 15).  
This week, we are going to read Chapters 1, 2 & 3 (pages 19-53) of the book.  This is a total of 34 pages, and breaks down to an average of 5 pages per day.  As you read this week, I encourage you to underline and make notes in your book whenever you read something that resonates with you, or convicts you, or confuses you, etc.  Reference to your notes will help you remember what you have read, and will hopefully provoke you to discuss your thoughts with the other members of our book club.  
Fun, right?
Okay so here is how it is going to work:
Every Wednesday, a different contributor from our book club will make a post discussing our weekly reading.  Read these posts, and think about the contributor’s comments and questions.  In response, I want to encourage every participant of our club (that includes you!) to post a responsive comment.  There is no right or wrong way to make a responsive comment.  A comment can be short, or a comment can be long.  A comment can ask a question, or a comment can answer a question.  There is also no limit to the number of comments you can make during the course of a week.  Again, I hope to see every participant make at least one comment each week, but you are welcome (and encouraged!) to make multiple comments if you wish.  
In order to make a comment, you must have a Google Account.  If you do not already have a Google Account, you can obtain a free account here:

        FREE Google Account

Once you have a Google Account, you can make a comment as follows:
  1. Click on the word “comments” at the bottom of the blog post.
  2. Enter the text of your comment in the space provided.
  3. Select “Google Account” where it says “Comment as: Select profile” (You might have to log into your Google Account during this step)
  4. Click “Publish”
Your comment will then be posted to the blog.
Got it?  Okay!  Let’s practice.  
I want everyone participating in our book club to make their first comment now.  Your comment should contain three things:
    1. Your first name
    2. A few fun facts about yourself; and
    3. What brings you to this book club. 
I’ll go first:
    1. Amy 
    2. I am a wife and mother.  I’ve got two dogs (one calm, one crazy).  I love Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.  This is my first book club.  
    3. I am prayerful that God will use this book club to convict, empower, and encourage all of us to follow Jesus with everything we’ve got.  I don’t want to waste my life (this is our shot!), and I don’t want to see anyone else waste their lives either.  That’s why I’m here.
See how that works?  Okay then, now it’s your turn. Go ahead and make your comment now.  If you want, click this link for some inspirational music to get you in the mood:

Ha!  Okay, so I hope that wasn’t too painful.  If you cannot (for the life of you) figure out how to make a comment, send your comment to me in an e-mail, and I will post it for you.  Please make sure to note “Not a Fan” somewhere in the subject line of your e-mail.  You will find my e-mail address at the top of the Reading Schedule distributed at our Introduction Meeting.  If you do not have the Reading Schedule because you are participating exclusively online, please contact me through Facebook (Amy Baxindine Hill).  
There is only one last thing to settle before I conclude.  Now that you have a Google Account, you can officially join our blog.  By doing this, you can opt to receive updates when new posts and comments are made.  Just go to the top right corner of this blog and click the blue button that says, “Join this site.”
Okay, so, that’s it!  I hope you all are as excited as I am to see how God uses this book and this club to work in us as individuals and collectively as a group.  Again, our reading assignment this week is Chapters 1, 2 & 3.  As you read, underline and make notes in your book.  This will help you remember what you have read, and will hopefully provoke you to discuss your thoughts with the other members of our book club.  
Be sure to check back next Wednesday, when another contributor from our book club will make a post discussing this week’s reading.
In the meantime, anyone care to make a comment about what we read in the prologue?  Or if you attended our Introduction Meeting this morning, what did you take away from what we discussed?  Why wait until next Wednesday?! Let’s get the discussion going!  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Not a Fan

Hi friends! I want to invite you to join us for our latest endeavor: an online book club! Starting on May 9th, we are going to be reading the book, "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. I've already read through this book once, and it is great. It basically deals with the difference between people who are fans and people who are true followers of Jesus Christ. It is a very convicting, practically applicable, and even (at some points) humorous book - and totally worth a read!

Please consider joining us and inviting others who might be interested as well.

Believe it or not, May 9th will be here in NO TIME so, if you're planning to participate, please order your book soon! soon! soon! You can order the book here for $7.50

Once you've got a copy of your book, please read the prologue (pages 11-15).  You will get your next reading assignment on May 9th.

I am SO looking forward to what God is going to do through this!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 8

Well, the time has come to say farewell to James (for now). This, by far, felt like the fastest Bible study I have completed to date. Time seems to be buzzing by at crazy speed.

As I reflect on all I have learned, I can’t help but come back to James’ words in Chapter 1, verse 22 (NLT): “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” I don’t want to walk away from this study unchanged. I want the study of God’s word to mark me, to alter me - forever.

I am currently reading a book entitled, “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman.* Kyle notes that a fan is defined as “an enthusiastic admirer.” And that “Jesus was never interested in having admirers.” I thought James would be proud when I read Kyle’s words on pages 32 and 33:

One of the reasons our churches can become fan
factories is that we have separated the message of
“believe” from the message of “follow.” ...the two
are firmly connected.... One can’t live without the
other.... Our churches will continue to be full of
fans until we break down the dichotomy between
following and believing. To truly believe is to follow.

We’ve learned some stuff in this study, girls. And James doesn’t play. Indeed, James tells us, “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” James 4:17, NLT. Or, in the words of my new friend Kyle, “To truly believe is to follow.”

Scarily, (on page 27) Kyle also notes that “one of the core symptoms of ‘fandom’ is that fans almost always consider themselves to be followers.” Or, in the words of our protagonist (who was responding to people who also thought they were “followers” of God), “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-- and shudder.” James 2:19, NIV.

So, as we conclude, the questions I want to leave with you are these: do you truly believe? How do you know? How would anyone else know?

James meant to get in your business. So do I. And I hope you love me enough to get in mine. Let’s do this thing for real, girls. It’s time to get out of the bleachers and onto the field. Let’s be more than fans!


*As I read, the author is kind of cracking me up because he is referencing all these funny stereotypical christian experiences from the past 20 years. If you decide to read the book for yourself (and yes, I would recommend it), you will appreciate this little footnote all the more :)


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

What is the primary thing you are taking from this study and actually applying to your life?


This week, we’ll be watching video session EIGHT. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 212 and 213 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 8” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 8" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 8 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Thank you for studying along with me. I have enjoyed studying with you. I pray God has worked in your life through this study, as He has in mine, and I hope to study together again sometime.

Your friend, Amy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 7

If you didn’t read the “Next Level with Melissa” entitled, “James 5 & 2009” (on pages 182 and 183) this past week, grab your workbook and read it now.

With that in mind, let’s recall. What was it that James said in James 5:16? “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Do you believe it? I have a feeling Melissa does.

A couple of years ago, my good friend’s mother had a brain aneurysm. She almost died. Many people were offering words of encouragement to my friend on Facebook, and my mom was one of them. I remember it like yesterday; she quoted James 5:16. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” It stopped me cold.

Shortly thereafter, I was on my knees interceding for my friend’s mom. I started to pray, but was intimidated by James’ reference to “a righteous person.” I was trying my best to walk with the Lord, but I was not righteous. How could I be confident my prayer had any power or effect whatsoever?

Then it hit me. The Lord Jesus is Righteous. And by His Spirit, I suddenly understood. How is my prayer powerful? How is prayer effective? Because I come before the Throne of Grace - not according to my own unrighteousness - but according to the Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is by that Name - the Name above all names - that I am justified before the Father and counted among the children of the Most High God. That’s right - I am righteous! And my prayers are not only heard - but also are also powerful! And effective!


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

Give an example of a time when God answered a prayer in an obvious or amazing way.


This week, we’ll be watching video session SEVEN The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 184 and 185 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 7” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 7" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 7 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week 7 begins on page 187 of our workbooks and ends on page 211. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 6

Yikes! Late again! So sorry if any of you were waiting on the video link. I’m pretty sure none of you are completely up to date on homework and videos but, even so, I like to get my posts up on Saturday. I apologize for any inconvenience.

As you probably know, I have had the privilege of going through this Bible study with an awesome group of women at my local church in Cherry Hill, NJ. Sadly, however, I was unable to study with those ladies this week because my youngest little miss wasn’t feeling well. I missed that time - it is usually a place where I reflect on the week and glean even more from what God has taught me through study. For me, it is a place where the rubber meets the road. A place where concepts become practical - as my friends and I work through how these truths are actually applied rather than merely considered.

Missing this week of personal interaction got me thinking about different stages of my life when I didn’t have a safe place to honestly and vulnerably work through what God was teaching me. Church, for me, was a place where I felt condemnation - not freedom. It was a place where I was afraid of being judged, and a place where I myself judged others.

While, I still work at being free from judging others and having personal feelings of condemnation, this is (all glory to God!) an area where I am beginning to see signs of victory.

Today in church it was said by our Assistant Pastor, “the safest place for anyone to walk into should be a church.” Oh, that this would be true in our churches!


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

Beth taught meaningfully on the subject of judgment this week. In what ways did these truths challenge or encourage you?


This week, we’ll be watching video session SIX The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 154 and 155 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 6” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 6" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 6 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week six begins on page 157 of our workbooks and ends on page 183. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Saturday, February 4, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 5

The taming of the tongue... ouch! Anyone else feel more than a little convicted on this issue? If so, be encouraged. I am going to keep this post brief tonight, but I want you to consider this:

In the third week of our homework, Beth told us to, “keep in mind that God gave us mouths on purpose so the point is not to cease talking.” Shortly after having read this, I was reading a chapter of Francis Chan’s book, “Forgotten God.” In it, he mentions that the most Spirit-filled christian he knows is a woman by the name of Joni Eareckson Tada. If you are not familiar with Joni, she has a really amazing testimony, and I encourage you to google her or check out her website: In any case, Francis Chan listed the MANY charitable organizations Joni founded and accolades Joni has received, and then concluded by saying something like this, “I do not think Joni is the most Spirit-filled christian I know because of any of the things I have mentioned. I think she is the most Spirit-filled christian I know because every time I talk to her, she encourages me with Scripture, or she sings a hymn, or she testifies to a work God is doing in her life or the lives of others.”

Think about that. Joni uses her mouth to give glory to the Lord, and that is what marks Joni (in Francis Chan’s mind) as the most Spirit-filled christian Francis Chan knows. Her mouth!

So what do you say? Do you want to use your mouth with me?


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

Share some of your childhood family’s happy or annoying quirks :)


This week, we’ll be watching video session FIVE The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 126 and 127 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 5” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 5" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 5 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week three begins on page 129 of our workbooks and ends on page 153. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Sunday, January 29, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 4

What happened? At about 10:30 last night I realized it was Saturday and I had not posted a link to our current video session. If anyone out there was waiting on it, I’m very sorry about that.

That being said, I had a great week of study this past week, and I hope you did too. Specifically, I hope each of us took our time to especially consider the homework on Day Two - where we looked at James 1:22-25, verses Beth said were “the keys to flourishing life, bone-deep transformation, and divine blessing.” I don’t know about you, but when someone in like Beth Moore tells me that something is a “key,” I pay attention. Remember what I said about Zelda?

On Day 2, Beth warned us that, “there is no lie so sly as the one we tell ourselves.” Though we attend church services, participate in church activities, and even study the Bible, we can deceive ourselves with regard to the actual application of God’s word to our lives. Though I’m sure you read this in your homework, indulge me in considering another of Beth’s warnings:

“We can underline our Bibles till our pens run dry without a drop of ink splattering our lives. The self-deception slithers in when we mistake appreciation for application or being touched with being changed. The tricky part is that hearing all by itself really does lend a certain satisfaction. Think about the last time you closed your eyes and listened to an instrument that nearly brought you to tears. Something similar can happen when we listen to Scripture being read or a message being taught. The hearing itself can be satisfying, ‘Deep calls to deep’ (Ps. 42:7), and we nod our heads with genuine resonance.”

In considering this, I wondered, in what ways or for what reasons are we prone to deceiving ourselves? One of the ways that occurred to me was that we use our christian friends as a barometer to gauge our devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. Though we are surrounded by many well-meaning, sincere believers, we are prone to adjusting our lifestyles to look more like the people around us than a Biblical portrayal of Jesus Christ.

Throughout the New Testament, Paul repeatedly admonished believers to follow his example as he followed the example of Christ. Take a minute and look up the following verses: Philippians 3:17, Philippians 4:9, 1 Corinthians 4:15-16, and 1 Corinthians 11:1.

You will see in reading these verses that Paul did not tell the Philippians or the Corinthians, “look to each other to determine what is required of you or how you should live your life as Christ.” No. Rather, he said something more like, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7).

Therefore, when somebody like Beth Moore tells us that certain verses are “the keys to flourishing life, bone-deep transformation, and divine blessing,” I hope she has our full attention. Let’s not write this lesson off as applying to other people. Instead, let us look carefully into the perfect law that sets us free, do what it says (not forgetting what we heard), and thus receive blessing from the Lord for DOING IT (Jas. 1:25, NLT).


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

What are some other ways or reasons we are prone to deceiving ourselves?


This week, we’ll be watching video session FOUR. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 96 and 97 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 4” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 4" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 4 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week three begins on page 99 of our workbooks and ends on page 125. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Saturday, January 21, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 3

The Greek transliteration of James’ name is Jacobus. In other words, his name is Jacob. All I can say to this is, “WOW.”

If you would have told me this little factiod 3 years ago, I probably would have just nodded my head politely and smiled, while thinking something like, “that’s interesting, but so what?” So if that IS what you happen to be thinking to yourself at this very moment, don’t worry. In fact, be encouraged! You are on the treasure hunt of your life sister! And the more you dig, the more wonderful the gems you will find.

My husband Matt laughed at me when I said this to him recently. Studying God’s word reminds of that old video game Zelda. If I remember the game correctly (I probably only played it a total of 10 times), you (Zelda) would journey around on the video game board looking for keys that you might need to unlock unknown rooms or treasures. You basically didn’t even know why you were collecting these keys or what you would use them to unlock. Such is the study of God’s word.

Let me try to explain with a specific example. About 3 years ago, I worked through Beth Moore’s study of the Tabernacle entitled, “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place.” While I did enjoy that study in the midst of doing it, I didn’t begin to fully appreciate its worth until much later. To this day, I am using keys I found on that journey through God’s word to unlock treasures I come upon today.

And here we have another treasure. To be honest, I’m not sure exactly where I collected my keys to appreciate and understand the significance of Jacob as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel (it may have been through “A Woman’s Heart” or elsewhere), but those little keys continue to blow my mind with the treasures they unlock.

While it may be just another fact to someone else, it sincerely BLOWS MY MIND that the book of James may very well have been the first book of the New Testament written, and that James essentially opens his letter saying, “This letter is from Jacob, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: joy to you!” Talk about coming FULL CIRCLE. Wow.

What is my point? Okay, I’m getting to it. Try to catch my enthusiasm (because an exclamation point will not do this sentence justice): Bible study is so incredibly amazing! Keep collecting your keys! If this one went right over your head, I get that. It still happens to me all the time. But we should never dare stop or think that we’re missing the point. Because when we “get it” (and we will), there is nothing like it- Nothing. I know, because I “got” this one. And all I can say to this is, “WOW.”


If you have committed to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons, feel free to post anything you like. If however you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

What did you write in response to the question posed on page 46?


This week, we’ll be watching video session THREE. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 68 and 69 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 3” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 3" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 3 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week three begins on page 71 of our workbooks and ends on page 95. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Saturday, January 14, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 2

So... James! Who knew, right? It was such an interesting week getting to know the person of James: Jesus' half-brother, one of the pillars of the church, the primary speaker at the Jerusalem Council... the list goes on.

I learned so much I never knew about James this week, but I can't help thinking- so what? Does this really make a difference? How does this affect the way I live my life in the year 2012- when I am bombarded with 800 thousand other things to do on a daily basis? Why take time to study the person of James, the book of James, any of it? Do you have an answer?

I believe the answer to this question is found is John 15:5. Please look it up. Seriously. I'll wait... :)

Listen to me, because this verse has been KEY in helping me to understand HOW to grow as a Christian. Are you ready for this? Because this is CLUTCH: you cannot change yourself in your own strength. Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Did you catch that? Whoever ABIDES in Christ will bear much fruit, but apart from him we can do - NOTHING. Why study James or anything else in the Bible? Why spend time in prayer and in the service of the Lord? Because it is our hope - our ONLY hope - to be changed - to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we can prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12:2).

Bible study girls. It may seem like just another thing to do on your list of many things to do, but oh... it is SO much more. Things you're learning today, tucking away, praying over - every last seed of righteousness that you plant in your life holds the promise of growth with eternal consequences.

I wish I could do a double back handspring and four cartwheels to set off a fire of excitement for the word in your life. But that is the kind of thing only God can give. So my advice? Ask for it. Luke 11:13 on your face before God and ask. And if you're already running- run harder and run faster. Enlist a few others to run with you.

James was just a man. Apart from Christ, his life had little significance. The same is true for us. Let's make it count!


To keep yourself on track and accountable to the group, I recommend that you commit to posting a comment in response to our weekly lessons. You can post anything you like, but if you find it easier to respond to a specific question, our question of the week is this:

What was the most interesting thing you learned about the person of James this week and why?


This week, we’ll be watching video session TWO. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 40 and 41 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 2” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 2" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 2 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week one begins on page 43 of our workbooks and ends on page 67. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

Saturday, January 7, 2012

James Mercy Triumphs - Session 1

Welcome to the introduction week of our latest online Bible study, "James: Mercy Triumps" by Beth Moore. I am so sincerely happy you have decided to participate. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: time in the Word of God is truly an eternal investment. You know the saying, “you can’t take it with you when you go.” Well this is the exception to that rule. This is the stuff that matters both here on earth and eternally. So welcome.

Before we begin, I want to lovingly caution you (or remind you, if you have studied in an online format before) that ONLINE Bible Study can be very difficult to see through to completion. It is one of those things that begin with the best of intentions and end without much thought at all. One of the reasons for this is because there is very little accountability in an online setting. Indeed, I (as the facilitator) am really the only person accountable to make regular posts and stay on schedule with our study. Thus some participants in past studies have gotten behind or altogether lost in their coursework.

Of course, my intention is not to discourage anyone from online study, but to encourage each of you to set your own personal goals that will enable you (with the Lord's help) to succeed. Consider committing to post a comment on our group page about what you learn in study each week. And, of course, sincerely pray and ask the Lord to give you the supernatural ability (ability none of us have in our own strength) to meet the goals you've set. I hope it is coming through my typing how desperately I want each of you to succeed - primarily because the Lord has completely changed my own life through the study of His word. So if there is anything I can do to help you to do that, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be sure to pray for you regularly, and would very much appreciate your prayers for me as well.

That being said, let me give you a quick overview of what this online Bible study will entail. I challenge each of you to start each week of study by watching a video of our teacher, Beth Moore. The videos are approximately one hour in length. After viewing the video, we will have five days of homework to complete in our workbooks. Each day of homework will take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are new to Bible study, this may seem like a lot of work. But again, I encourage you to persevere. I have never found the study of God’s word to be a waste of time. To the contrary, it has always proven to be one of the most valuable uses of my time. I am sure that once you get started, you will feel the same.

Moreover, if you are interested in taking your study of James to even greater heights, Beth gives 5 levels of study in which you can participate. Indeed, before watching the first video this week, please read the introduction beginning on page 8 and ending on page 11 of our workbooks. In case you are wondering, I have committed to participate in Level 4, and I am very much enjoying the exercise of writing the book of James in the back of the workbook, as well as reading Beth's daughter's very insightful articles. You should commit to whatever level you think you can handle, but in the words of Beth on page 11 girls, "Don't wimp out!"

This week, we’ll be watching the introductory video session. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the introductory video session) can be found on pages 12 and 13 of our workbooks.

PLEASE NOTE - This Is Important!
The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 1” video, take the following steps:

1) Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
2) Choose the box that says “Session 1" in the section that says “Select Session Number” and click "Add to Cart".
3) When you are SURE you have session 1 in your cart, then proceed to check out.
4) Follow download instructions.

Our homework for week one begins on page 15 of our workbooks and ends on page 39. Again, the homework is broken down into 5 days that should take about 45 minutes each day to complete. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Saturday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Okay, so that’s it. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (by private inbox to me, if you prefer) if you find yourself struggling with the homework or anything else. That is why we are studying as a group instead of studying on our own.

Also, please feel free to post any comments and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

I can’t wait to get started! Let’s get to it!

Your friend, Amy