Hey there, I'm so glad you stopped by this week! Lee Anne Dyer is our contributor this time and (by the power of the Holy Spirit!) she has written a very authentic and challenging post. For those of you who don't know Lee Anne, she is the wife of Justin Dyer (the worship leader at our home church, Bethel Baptist Church in Cherry Hill, NJ) and the mom of three young children. Lee Anne has a serious desire to please the Lord, to raise children who love the Lord, and to edify the body of Christ. Suffice it to say, (by the power of the Holy Spirit!), Lee Anne is a rockstar! I am so thankful for her willingness to serve the Lord (and all of us) through her post this week.
So with that, I give you Lee Anne:
“By the power of the Holy Spirit…” (page 98).
Did any of you try to complete that sentence from chapter 5?
After I read the sentences people had posted on Kyle’s Facebook wall, I was a little intimidated. So I started small. “By the power of the Holy Spirit, I didn’t yell at my eight year old this morning when he was S-L-O-W once again in getting his shoes on for school.” (Trust me that was ALL the Holy Spirit!). “By the power of the Holy Spirit I was genuinely happy for a family member who won an all- expense paid trip to Mexico” (SO could have been jealous). “By the power of the Holy Spirit I have forgiven an individual who said some very hurtful things to my husband.” (Satan tries to bring those thoughts back at the worst times, but the Holy Spirit can have victory EVERY time!) It was actually a very exciting exercise to revisit the times that the Holy Spirit has done things in my life that I could have completely messed up in my own strength! Of course, I could make a list of those messy times too, so I am thankful Kyle didn’t ask for that! WHEW!
Kyle quoted the part of Galatians 5:25 that says:
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit”.
For me, as a young mom, I take a LOT of steps each day! That means I need a LOT of the Spirit!! I found it very telling to look back at my responses to “By the power of the Holy Spirit...” and see if my responses where from last month, last week, or recent days. Kyle says “You can’t live by the Spirit if you only acknowledge his presence once a week when you come to church.” Oh boy. I need Spirit help for that Every. Single. Day!
As if that is not enough to keep us on our faces before God asking for continuous power, we move to Chapter 6. Kyle says on page 104: “A belief is more than what we say.” This takes me back to 8th grade. I am thankful there is no room for pictures on this blog because my 8th grade picture would have you all turning off your screens! One of my teachers, Mr. Tom Horton, used to say at least once a day, “Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.” Read that again if you need to. Get it? We can’t claim to have faith in Christ if our lives don’t back it up COMPLETELY.
Kyle refers us to Hebrews 11. He says on page 106, “Faith should have a story attached to it.” I would take that a step further, and say faith should have an ongoing story attached to it. Day after day, moment after moment, ALL or NOTHING. This brings us full circle. We are only capable of this with the complete strength from the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord, for providing a way to follow you that does not rely on ME!
No pressure, but I thought it would be encouraging if, in our responses this week, we shared at least one sentence that starts with “By the power of the Holy Spirit…” Maybe you haven’t commented yet -this could be your week! I am excited to hear how the Holy Spirit is/has been at work. If you are coming up blank, I have a simple solution: Ask God. He gives freely!
Okay, so I love this idea. Let's do it! "By the power of the Holy Spirit..." Go! Let's give our God glory for what He's done and what He's doing in our lives. Lee Anne said it perfectly, so I'm just going to repeat her:
Maybe you haven’t commented yet -this could be your week! I am excited to hear how the Holy Spirit is/has been at work. If you are coming up blank, I have a simple solution: Ask God. He gives freely!Okay? So that's it (for now). Check back throughout the week to read and respond to other members' comments and questions. Then check back again next Wednesday to hear from our next contributor, Laura Camp!