Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not A Fan - Chapters 1 through 3

Hey Ladies, 
So how was your first week?  Is everyone being challenged and encouraged to FOLLOW Jesus completely?  
Our contributor this week is Lynne Braatz.  For those of you who don't know Lynne, she is a Jesus-loving, Jesus-serving, godly example to many of the women in our church.  I have so much love and respect for Lynne, and appreciate her willingness to serve Jesus (and all of us) by offering her contribution to the blog today.
So, without further ado, I give you Lynne Braatz:
Because of my commitment to do this week’s blog before all of you... I have made it a point to really digest all Kyle has written down.  He makes me chuckle, then pricks my heart.  ~ Jerry and I have been on the road quite a lot lately and as a result much of my reading has been done with him not too far away.  Moved by Kyle’s way with words, I have read many paragraphs out loud.  It has made for lots of contemplation and healthy  conversation between us.  Jerry is a good balancer for me.  I hope you have someone close enough to help you remain objective as you attempt to self evaluate... May God help us see ourselves as He sees us.  May we not miss the loving challenges intended to spur us on into becoming more than we ever dreamed.   
Along with my book, I purchased the “follower’s journal”.  It really is very good and has led me into knowing how to be more creative when I’m alone with Jesus.  I recommend it highly.  
What stood out to you from Lesson 1?  
Without a doubt, I can tell you it was when we were encouraged to go to the back of that coffee shop and Jesus comes in and sits down with us for that “DTR” (define the relationship) talk.  Yikes, I was nervous. I would think I should have been excited, but I felt awkward.  Made me think. ~ My truly intimate times with Jesus are daily when I am deep in trouble, but in blessing, sadly not as frequent.  Hmm, too much blessing lately... and not enough challenge.  
What about the statement, “Following Jesus will cost you something.”  When we were  asked us to jot down what following Jesus had cost us, I was blank!  I have given Him my whole life... but practically and daily ???  
I loved the way Kyle distinguished between “knowing about Jesus” and “intimacy” with Him.  Perhaps if my “intimacy” times remained daily, my spaces would not have been blank.  
Oh how I want Him to “interfere” with my life every day... and this takes me to the third and final point I will blog.  May those of us who love Jesus, never be guilty of “selling Him” again... With each opportunity God gives me, I want to be so clear in the in the message I bear, “There is no forgiveness without repentance; no salvation without surrender; no life without death; and no believing without committing.”  He who loses his life will find it!!  ~ May I never sell anyone short again, so help me God. 
Thanks for listening... :) 
Love, Lynne 
Challenging stuff, right?  Lynne talked about several things: (1) the DTR moment in our relationship with Jesus; (2) the fact that following Jesus will cost you something; (3) the difference between knowing ABOUT Jesus and knowing Jesus intimately; and (4) our propensity to “sell Jesus.”  
If you have committed to following along with us, please share a comment in response to Lynne's thoughts and/or something else that you read in Chapters 1-3.  You are also encouraged to respond to the comments of other members, especially if you see that another member has asked a question.  Since we are not physically meeting together each week, let this blog serve a "meeting place" to exchange thoughts, challenge and encourage one another.  Also, remember to pray for one another as we read through this book together.  
This week, we'll be reading Chapters 4-5.  Be sure to check back next Wednesday to hear from Kristen Cortner!  


Kathy Cortner said...

Well Put Lynne! Ditto to everything you said. It is easy to appear to be a "follower on the outside" and a little more challenging to be a follower on the inside. I too was challenged as I read those chapters. I was reminded throughout all of this book how we can not save is God alone who draws people to himself. So why do we try to "sell jesus" to anyone? I am going to do my best to tell others about His saving grace and how He alone gives true peace and joy, but also to let others know it does not mean our lives will be perfect and without heart ache. However, getting through those tough times that he allows would be even more difficult without Him. This book has been so fitting for those who just finished the studies on Jonah and James. Definitely challenges us to live as if Jesus was by our side physically every minute.....Oh wait..... He is with us every minute.

Diane said...

Good Morning, I enjoyed meeting all of you that morning at Kathy's when we first began. I know most of you pretty well but would I say intimately? I know you are very pleasant, attractive, easy to chat with and I know what we show each other at bible study..but do I know you intimately? mmm? Relating this thought to the book...Moving from fan to intimate follower? It takes time, motivation, a heart to do so, need and what else might you say?. THANK YOU AMY FOR SYNOPSIS..and input so far.

Ami said...

I have really enjoyed the way that Kyle explains things. It is so convicting to look within yourself to see if you are a fan or true follower. In my single days I was able to spend so much time in the Word and praying. But as a wife and mother, I find it down right difficult. I want that intimacy that I once had with God. That is what He calls us to. God has blessed me with my family, so I don't want them to be what keeps me from Him. I need more YADA moments with God. Thankyou for your thoughts Lynne! I was excited to hear that you were part of this book club. (this is Ami "Cloud" Terry. See you at FAC soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow bloggers,

I found the first 3 chapters to be very enlightening. I noted many of the points Lynne pointed out. One of my issues as a Christian through the years has been a low confidence level in the ability to memorize/quote many chunks of Scripture. I somehow thought that indicated my level of commitment and love for Christ. It was clarifying when Kyle referred to the fact that when there is knowledge without intimacy, you’re really no more than a fan. I just happen to be studying the book of Acts and this morning I came across this portion of Scripture, (NLT) Acts 4:13 “The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scripture…” The fact that Peter and John saw Jesus heal a man was sufficient for the council. It is on my heart to get closer to and more intimate with Him daily and I am relieved that simply the amount of Scripture I can memorize/quote, in and of itself, is not an issue. He is interested in the condition of my heart. Praise the Lord! Looking forward to next week! Dawn

Becky said...

Thank you for your comments Lynne. I was struck by the DTR section as well. I often "check off" my prayer time, bible time, listening to Christian music, and reading this book the same as doing the dishes and getting the laundry done. I thought about how after a few days of my husband working long hours and only getting to speak to him for a few scarce minutes on the phone.....I start to crave face time with him. Even if itis just to sit with him on the couch to watch the Phillies. Do I crave that if I've not been as close with God for a few days? If I'm being honest - not really and not as often as I should be craving it.

Carol Bucciarelli said...

Hi Dau: I'm Carol Bucciarelli. I think I have the reverse situation. When I came to know Christ over twenty years ago, I fell so deeply in love that I became eager to just pour out to others how wonderfully my life had been changed. The intimacy with Him just came and I had a strong desire to meet with Him everyday. Now, twenty years later, in my work I encounter searching people who wish to know the scriptural foundation for how Christ as a "Higher Power" (AA Term) really saves our lifes and reclaims a person from the depths of addiction or mental illness. I find myself searching for the scriptures of my youth and beginning now to need to memorize the words that are so neccessary for one who does not know the Bible at all. So, the extra work of memorization for me is not "just being a fan" can also be a sign of my responsibily to hold our a hand to another who wants to be a follower.

amybhill said...

YES! I loved your comment Dawn, thank you. I have a close friend who is flat-out opposite of me in my learning styles, etc. She constantly (and sweetly) reminds me (her sometimes militant friend) that God has made each of us uniquely and with different gifts - the condition of our hearts is indeed where He is interested. Love you Dawn :)

amybhill said...
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amybhill said...

I am so encouraged by Lynne’s post, and all of the comments posted. It’s so neat how God is teaching each of us!

One of my favorite parts of this book is in the first Chapter, when Kyle lists all the things he DOESN’T mean in asking us to consider whether or not we are followers of Jesus. He says, “Let me clarify what I am not asking. I am not asking the following: Do you go to church? Are your parents or grandparents Christians?” Then he gets into some of my favorite distinctions, “Have you ever appeared in a church directory?” “Have you ever worn ‘witness wear’?” “Have you ever kissed dating goodbye?” “Do you understand phrases like ‘traveling mercies’ and ‘sword drill’?” Ha! I think this is an example of what Lynne meant when she said Kyle “makes her chuckle”. This guy is straight-up funny - but he’s also DEAD ON!

In considering the first few chapters of this book, I ended up in Matthew 13, the parable of the sower. Throughout the course of my life, I believe I all too quickly classified myself as falling under the category of the fourth seed. But upon closer inspection, I was really the second or third seed. If you have a chance, take some time for yourself to consider anew the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23. Convicting stuff.

Love you girls!

Lynne Braatz said...

Oh Diane, loved the correlation you brought out... Hmm! I will pray too that God will set us free to be transparent before each other. May we not be afraid to be fully known... I believe God can really meet us there, if we are willing. ~ Thanks for your thoughts!! :)

Lynne Braatz said...

Me too! So excited to realize this IS you!! Looking forward to growing with you!! :)

Stephanie said...

Lynne's post was great. The coffee shop DTR part really hit me. As I said at the meeting my son was my blessing to get me closer to God again. I grew up in church and even taught VBS but when I reached High School it all changed. I look at Aiden and see how easy it is for him to have a relationship with God, as I sit back doing Bible studies and reading as much as I can to retain this information. He told me the other day that he could feel Jesus and God next to him everyday. Honestly, I was a bit jealous. I went back to the list of items in the fist chapter and it made me feel better. At this point in my life I am a fan. A cheerleader routing for the "TEAM" but I strive for that intimacy with Jesus.

LA said...

The lines you quoted in your second paragraph are some of my favs in the first three chapters. It helps me to giggle when I am being called out on my short comings :)

LA said...

Thanks for your insight, Lynne! I found myself rereading the section in chapter 2 on Nicodemus. How many times have I heard that story, but yet never studied the background to comprehend why he went to see Jesus at night? I absolutely would say I want Jesus to "interfere" with my life, yet when the interferences happen, I often miss out because I am "under the cover of night". Love Kyle's words on page 31, "Jesus didn't just want Nicodemus at night; he wanted Nicodemus during the day too."

Kandi said...

So this has little to do with the actual content of the book, but just how quickly I can fall into the "fan" category. I took my book to my local YMCA to read while I worked out. As I walked in, I had it hidden a bit in my towel. Thankfully I saw the hypocrisy of that pretty quickly, and then started to leave it sitting on the machine with the title clearly visible. Although a silly example, it started me thinking of how often I "hide" my relationship with God to fit into our current culture...

Ingrid Tornari said...

So, this is something completely new to me. I don't know where to begin, actually, so please bear with me.It's extremely difficult to communicate what I'm feeling inside. This is what I know deep within me: I desire to have a close, personal relationship with Jesus, beyond a doubt :) DAU's comments are exactly what I'm feeling: I lack confidence, because I am unable to quote scripture. God has repeatedly shown me his love, mercy, kindness so many times. After 40+ years I am now willing to be his. It took me long enough, but so grateful that I was lead here. This book is amazing, making me look into the mirror, pushing me, especially the DTR aspect. Yes, I wish to be a follower, I was a fan long enough!

amybhill said...

SO cool Ingrid. Praise God! Thanks for sharing <3

amybhill said...

Awesome- keep striving Steph!

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Kristen said...

The part this past week that stood out most with me was toward the end of chapter 3. Kyle talks about Luke 7 and the uninvited prostitute that comes to see Jesus. She came in brokenness and before people she knew would mock and judge her...willing to pour out her last bottle of perfume signifying the end of her sinful lifestyle. I so know I need to be broken by my sin...ready to fall at the feet of Jesus giving it all to him...but also know I rarely am. I need to be "desperate to see Jesus" in my everyday life. "Desperate to express the love and affection" I should have for him...which means that maybe I don't have the kind of love and affection for Christ that I should. I need to be willing to be reckless, impulsive and inappropriate" in my love for Christ because of who he is, what he's done, and who he's made me.

Kristen said...

Ingrid...My heart is filled with joy, seriously, when I hear you "speak" here. So thankful that God brought us together.

Ingrid Tornari said...

Thanks ladies:)
Cannot tell you how grateful I am to have met you!!