Monday, November 22, 2010

Week Two - WGPDUT

Welcome back! This week we studied what makes us targets for seduction and how Satan must seek permission from God before he can attack a believer.

While I found all of this week’s study material to be very interesting and helpful, I was probably most impacted by the material on day one. Here, Beth alerted us to the reality that the enemy will often target believers where they are most vulnerable or weak. She then listed four common weaknesses amongst christians: ignorance; spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge; lack of discernment; and a lack of self-discernment. I think I was most fascinated by this part of our study because I have personally struggled with each of these weaknesses to different degrees at different times in my spiritual walk. It was interesting to see a list that broke these issues down in such a basic, straightforward way.

Looking back, I am acutely aware of God’s hedge of protection around my life through serious periods of ignorance, lack of biblical knowledge, lack of discernment, and a lack of self-discernment. However, at certain points, I can also see where God clearly lifted that hedge and allowed the enemy some access. It was through these times of tribulation that I matured in my faith and my areas of weakness were strengthened. Indeed, I wonder if I ever would have grown in my faith if the Lord hadn’t allowed me to skin my knees. He knew exactly where I needed to be refined, and He lovingly allowed me to endure that process (all while keeping a watchful eye and a protective hand upon me). Praise Him!

Do not get me wrong. I do not think I am entirely in the clear with regard to any of these areas of weakness. But I am on the lookout now and I know (on a basic level at least) what I need to do. On page 38 of our homework Beth noted, “We are so quick to acknowledge the errors of others, but one of our best defenses is to recognize where we’ve each gone wrong and where our personal weak places are.” I hope we are all starting to recognize these things in ourselves.

If you have made a personal commitment to make a post on our group page each week, please feel free to share something you learned from this past week’s homework.

This week, we’ll be watching the group session 2 video (click the link below). The corresponding viewer guide is on page 53 of your workbook.

Finally, please feel free to post any other comments, questions, and/or prayer requests at any point throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you’ve been learning, and it is truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

Your friend, Amy

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