Monday, May 19, 2014

To Live Is Christ - Chapters 5, 6 & 7

"Knowing Jesus Christ My Lord" by Becky Hendricks
Wow - can you believe we are halfway through this book already?!  I know a lot of you are reading along (and even checking in on the blog) but haven't been posting your comments.  That's okay.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we'd all love to read your insights, but I am glad to hear reports that you are enjoying the book, and God is using it to work in your lives.  For those of you who have been posting, kudos.  Keep it up!  I know it isn't nearly as intimate as getting together face to face, but its a nice reminder to know we're reading this together, and we all love hearing from each other.
This week, our contributor is one of my oldest and dearest friends, Becky Hendricks.  As a mother to three small children, Becky has no shortage of things to do.  Like most of us, she's on the run A LOT.  But through the years, God has shown her the importance of seeking Him in the midst of ordinary chaos.  He has used her wisdom and discretion as a friend to love and direct me more times than I could count.  Becky is a gift to me, and I'm happy to share her with all of you today. Here's Becky…

Chapter 5, The Passionate Pursuit begins with Matt posing the question, 'If there really is a creator God who all of us have offended, but who despite that offense, covered that offense, removing it for us so that we would have right standing before Him,  wouldn't that be the greatest news in the history of the universe?'    
This chapter and question really hit home for me.  While at times I feel so connected and close to the Lord, there are other periods in my life where I 'go through the motions' in my spiritual walk and tend to treat it as a checklist.  Did I attend church? Read my bible?  Make that meal for someone in need?  Check.  
Matt talks about these things as not being bad, but that real good can come from those.  However, these things will always fall short as a measure of our righteousness.  Are we passionately pursuing Christ?  I can relate to the idea he poses when he says 'I see myself far too easily satisfied with my relationship to the Lord.  Far too easily satisfied with where I am spiritually.'   
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ my Lord.  For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes from faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith-that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.  (Phil. 3:8-11)  
Matt dissects Paul's words from the passage above so simply.  'If you are going to pursue righteousness, pursue Jesus.  Don't let looking good or being better be your goal.  Let the goal be Him.' I literally said 'yes!'  out loud when reading this.   I have known this, believed it and have heard sermons about it, but its funny how just reading the scripture again gave me different eyes to see it clearly.  I am thankful for that. 
What I liked most about Chapter 6 was considering what Paul says in Phil 3:12: "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own."   Matt basically asks why Paul is so passionately pursuing Christ and why should we even after our conversion?  The answer is because we are really broken.    We will all continue to struggle with sin even after we have accepted Christ.  Matt describes that there is a right way to struggle and a wrong way to struggle.    He explains that the wrong way may look like this, "Let me control this.  Let me manage this."   He then explains that the right way may be described like this, 'push headlong into Jesus, and then keep pushing. '    So again, the answer is Jesus and the work that has already been done for us.  Nothing of our own doing.  Thank the Lord.

I liked how practical Matt was in Chapter seven about never being satisfied in our relationship with Christ.  He encourages us to know our God given strengths but almost more importantly, know your weaknesses and make sure you 'press on' , in the exercise of introspection.  He says that 'a holy discontentment is good because it keeps driving us into Christ for rest in Him and the blessing of Him.'
All three chapters of this week's reading pointed straight and directly to Jesus, and the "dynamic tension between grace and effort."  Matt said, "If you are to pursue righteousness, pursue Jesus. Don't let looking good or being better be your goal.  Let the goal be Him."  Becky said "Yes!"  And I'm right there with her. "Yes!"  
What about you?  What struck you most from the reading this week?  What questions did you ask?  How did what you learn change your approach to works?  To grace?  To pursuing Christ?  Please share your thoughts with the group.  Even if you've never posted before, we'd love to hear from you.  
This week, we are reading Chapters 8, 9 & 10 from the book.  And from the Bible, we are reading Philippians Chapter 4.

I am also providing a link to order the workbook for our next online study, "Children of the Day" by Beth Moore:

Please order your workbook and mark your calendars!  "Children of the Day" is starting, Tuesday, June 3rd.  Although we will be kicking off this study with an introduction meeting at Kelly Mac's house, the majority of the study will be done independently (online).   If you have a crazy-busy summer packed with family and fun, this may be the perfect solution to your summer Bible study needs.  We are planning to meet only 3 (non-mandatory) times over the summer.  

Okay, so that's it for now.  Be sure to keep each other in prayer throughout the week, and then check back next Monday to hear from our beloved Kathy Miles.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14, ESV


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello All,
One of the things I struggle with is how much I should be doing for the church or serving in general (e.g. Sing in the choir, serve on committees, bake cookies). I find it of great relief to know that serving the church means serving Christ. He directs my path of service not other Christians who may, through no real intention of their own, try to make you feel guilty for not volunteering for everything. I know, in my heart, how Christ wants me to serve and I find it a privilege. Is it out of my comfort zone sometimes? Absolutely. However, I know I can only accomplish what He wants me to accomplish in His strength and He gets all the credit and glory.

There are many reasons I hunger and thirst for Christ. One of the reasons is that I am so eternally grateful for what He did for us on the cross. I cannot watch reenactments of that without being overwhelmed with tears. Another reason is that He promised to never leave me or forsake me. I know Christ is with me all the time. But there are times when His presence is more apparent. It’s those times when I am alone and am in need of comfort. He makes His presence known and I so love Him for that. I got a million other reasons, but I’ll stop here. Really enjoying this book!

amybhill said...

Connie Hill says:
I learned Jesus is pursuing us and if we pursue him we will receive infinite grace. I really am inspired by the lines in the book ...the wrong way to struggle "let me control this/manage this" the right way to struggle "push headlong into Jesus and then keep pushing".

amybhill said...

Cathy Kunkle says:
As I read our book, I underline sections that speak to my heart. Becky wrote about some of those same parts. thank you Beck for that. Matt Chandler spoke about walking through a graveyard and how it made him keenly aware of his mortality. One day we are all going to stand in front of God and give an account for our life. That is something that stirs me up to know Him better. I have to pay attention to that which robs my affections for Jesus and His gospel, those ' little foxes'. I always seem to have plans to spend time with the Lord, but before I know it, the day is coming to an end and I still haven't been with the Lord alone. I need to pursue Christ above all and press on - because He is more than enough. He will always be enough.