Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Esther - Session Five

LOL! I loved how Kristin called Esther the tabloids of the Bible. Isn’t that so true? Sometimes I’m like, “Oh darn! We’re only examining one verse today.” I want to read on and do the next day’s homework just to see what’s going to happen next. Beth’s comments (on page 99) regarding other people’s perception of our love of Bible study also cracked me up. I know you’ve already read it, but indulge me:

Many people who know how neck-deep you and I are in Bible study
don’t understand our affinity for it. They still picture Scripture reading
like taking a beating or like swallowing a dose of terrible-tasting medicine
to get over a virus. They have no idea that it just may give you one
instead. Until they get into Bible study for themselves, they can’t imagine
how thrilling it can be and how healthy and free their minds can feel.

Indeed! This is good stuff, and do I ever need it. I (like Kristin) am a stay-at-home mom, and its an extremely tough job. On the other hand, I just had a conversation with my sister-in-law this past weekend (she is a working mother of three), and that job doesn’t sound any easier. I guess its just parenthood. I once heard someone say, “parenthood is the toughest job you’ll ever love.” I think that’s true. Seriously, the physical endurance alone that is required to be a mother is crazy: wiping, pouring, making, cleaning, lifting, finding, strapping, dressing, undressing, brushing, reading, feeding, playing, correcting, answering (for the 50th time), and so on. Thankfully, your schedule is only 7 days a week, 12+ hours a day (on call the other 12 hours), and no holidays. Talk about an identity crisis waiting to happen! Honestly, centering myself in the study of God’s word is one of the few outlets I have to stay sane (and even that’s debatable)! ;)

With that in mind, I hope you will forgive me for this scatter-brained post. I can hear my littlest one stirring upstairs so I’m going to have to cut this short and get back to the grind. Hang in there this week friends. That last bottom you wiped was not wiped in vain. We ARE making a difference and bringing glory to our King!

This week, we’ll be watching video session five. The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 128 and 129 of our workbooks.

*** PLEASE NOTE: The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 5” video, make sure you choose the box that says “Session 5” in the section that says “Select Session Number.” I cannot send you a direct link to buy the session 5 video for some reason with the format of the new website. ***


You may have to copy and paste the above link into your browser.

Our homework for this week begins on page 130 and ends on page 151 of our workbooks. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Tuesday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Your friend,

Amy :)

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Beth definetly hit the nail on the head for me. I felt that way about church until about 10 years ago. I thought it was so boring I stopped going. I looked around and then finally found a church down here, and then two others since that made it exciting again. I was actually looking forward to going every week, but still hated reading / studying the Bible. I was shocked I enjoyed the last study so much, but still would never sit and just read the Bible. It was like reading a VCR manual since I wasn't "getting" what was really being said. The first day of this study I actually sat down and read the entire book of Esther. I was so interested. And with Beth explaining it, I can finally see why people enjoy it and find comfort.
My favorite this week was day 4. Ever since I read this, I couldn't wait to have this part explained. I found it funny and ironic that Mordecai was to be honored, and by Haman no less. I just wish we knew what they were thinking!!! It was easy to imagine myself in these roles, but I would really like to know. I especially would have liked to seen the look on the Jews faces, were they disgusted, confused, did they laugh at the irony , or were they hopeful?
The story about her friend in the wheel chair totally made me cry.
I have a prayer request this week.... I am planning on going back to work soon. Brooke will be in school. We need more money to cover our insurance bill/ expenses. BUt I do have some freedom and time before this happens. I could get my massage liscense back but it would cost 400 and the test would be really hard (they added 200 hours since I complete) and I would have to retake. I wouldn't be guaranteed a job, nor a set amount of money. Or I could just go out an get a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy as much but would be easier and a better guarantee and not cost us time or money. I've been praying about it over and over since i know how to do a lot of things a little but not really great at anything. I'm hoping to know what God wants me to do, and that it is made really clear so I can just put all my effort into that. Thanks!