Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Esther - Session Seven

It’s tough being a woman who feels responsible for the “how.” Is it ever. I recently read an article (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-14521627) stating researchers at the University of California San Diego found that, in many instances, knowing the end of a story actually enhances the reading experience. As someone who often reads the “spoilers” for television shows, I would personally agree with this finding. In a weird way, knowing how a story is going to end allows me to relax and relish in the details of the story’s progression. Is this true for anyone else?

I started thinking about this phenomenon as it applies to life. Sometimes I feel like I am rushing through the details of my life because I can’t wait to enjoy the results. I know God has a plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11), but I am impatient to know His plan. I just want to know how it is all going to go down so that I can relax and relish in the details of my life-story’s progression. Whatever God wants to do, I’m game - I just wish He would tell me! Wouldn’t that be awesome? Ha!

Maybe you’ll think I’m weird, but I started praying about this yesterday. I told God I thought it would be easier if I could read the spoiler for my life. Not really expecting an answer, I got one. It was suddenly clear to me that I do know how my life is ultimately going to end. Sure, I don’t have ALL the details, but the book of Revelation (and other parts of the Bible) have revealed the details that are most important. The “how” isn’t my problem. I just need to fix my eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of my faith (hallelujah!), relax and relish in the details of my life-story’s progression. ahhhhh... now that’s more like it ;)

What about you? What has God been teaching you this past week?

Can you believe we only have three more videos and two weeks of homework left?! Indeed, it’s time to download video session seven! The viewer guide (to be completed while watching the video session) can be found on pages 174 and 175 of our workbooks.

*** PLEASE NOTE: The Lifeway website has CHANGED! To order the “Session 7” video, make sure you choose the box that says “Session 7” in the section that says “Select Session Number.” I cannot send you a direct link to buy the session 7 video for some reason with the format of the new website. ***


You may have to copy and paste the above link into your browser.

Our homework for this week begins on page 176 and ends on page 197 of our workbooks. Make every effort to complete this homework before next Tuesday, when I will post the link for our next video session and discuss some of the things that we learned this week.

Your friend,

Amy :)

1 comment:

Mommy said...

oh I feel the same way!!! It's like when someone you love is on unemployment and you know that they should be enjoying that time, but they can't do anything but worry until they know they have a job and it's over. Or when you are wondering if anyone will marry you, is this the right person, should you wait? So you end up dating someone so wrong since you wouldn't mind waiting if you knew it was coming for sure, lol. I wish I knew what I was supposed to be doing so I could get going on it!
So after Beth compared Haman to Hitler, I stopped feeling sorry for him. It is just so hard to imagine anyone that evil. I know i have never fortunetly met anyone like that in my life, or even close. I wonder how someone could get that damaged and manage to even get into a position of power?
I am anxious to hear Beth's video on this, and your take because this week seemed to make more questions for me than answers. Things I just don't get...